The coastal strip on the Levant back to the mountains, and in the port city of Carthage and its adjacent plain..
vatos locos
vatos locos
Geographic features refer to natural landforms or physical elements of the Earth's surface. This can include mountains, rivers, valleys, forests, deserts, and other physical characteristics that shape the landscape of a particular region.
Some geographic features that start with the letter "R" include rivers, ravines, and reefs.
Earth's main geographic features include continents, oceans, mountains, valleys, deserts, rivers, and lakes. These features shape the planet's landscape and play a crucial role in determining the climate and ecosystems across different regions.
Flat land.
Flat land.
What are the land features of Egypt?
i think it is a land mark It is big
With an expanding population and limited land to sustain it, they had to choose between conquering new territory (as the Greeks did) or trade. They chose trade.
sea land, beaches, large lumps and rockie mountains
Geographic features.
On the west the boundary was the Rocky Mountains and on the east the boundary was the Mississippi River. thank you
Phoenicia was today's Lebanon, mountainous, which drew an expanding population to trade to support itself.
vatos locos
It was the Tennessee river