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Q: What are the functions of the Golgi apprentice?
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What are the functions of the ribosomes and Golgi bodies.?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum and then is transfered to the Golgi bodies.

What functions do the Golgi bodies do?

it poops

The Golgi body functions to package what type of molecule within a cell?

The Golgi body functions to package and modify proteins within a cell.

How does Golgi apparatus functions?


Which structure most looks like Golgi bodies?

Mitochondria look somewhat like the Golgi but their functions are different.

Mention the functions of Golgi body in plants?

protein glycosylation, lipid glycosylation and also Golgi works as a secretory point; from Golgi, secretory vesicles bud.

Which organelle functions in modifying after they are made on the ribosomes?

The Golgi apparatus.

What is the function of Golgi apparitus?

The Golgi body/Golgi apparatus has a range of functions, including: Modifying and packaging proteins Secreting carbohydrates Forming lysosomes Producing glycoprotein

Are lipids responsible for Golgi functions?

The Golgi has a lipid bilayer and it does sort and ship both proteins and lipds made by the cell.

What is the primary functions of this cell part Golgi body?

packing and sorting

How are the functions of the endoplamic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus related?

golgi apparatus recevies protenins and other newly formed materials from the ER.fold in the rive

How are the functions of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus related?

In microbiology cells ( cytology).