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Q: What are the fibers connecting the tibia and fibula?
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The tibia is what to the fibula?

The fibula is lateral to the tibia.

One of the lower leg bones?

Fibula or Tibia?

Is the tibia lateral to the fibula?

The fibula is located lateral to the tibia. In overall anatomical position, the tibia is medial in the body, and the tibia lateral. Both are located in the lower leg. The tibia articulates with the patella proximally, the fibula laterally, and the talus distally.

Is the Tibia is Medial to the fibula?

The fibula is lateral to the tibia. The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones.

Is the fibula lateral to the tibia?

Yes, the fibula is lateral to the tibia. It runs parallel to the tibia on the outside of the lower leg.

What is the smaller of the lower leg bone called?

The two bones that makeup the lower leg are the Tibia and Fibula. The Fibula is the smallest bone of the two. It is located poterior (behind) the Tibia.

Is the fibula a medial bone?

The medial malleolus is located on the tibia. The fibula forms the lateral malleolus.

Is tibia medial to the fibula?

The fibula is lateral to the tibia. The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones.

What do they mean when they say that the distal articulation of the tibia and fibula?

The distal articulation of the tibia and fibula means the place where the tibia and fibula form a joint at the end of the bones farthest from the origin of the limb. The distal articulation of the tibia and fibula is with the talus.

What are the 4 bones in the legs?


What are Bones are in your legs?

They are the femur, the tibia, and the fibula. Have fun learning about your bones.

What make up the lower leg?

the tibia and the fibula