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The main factor is the strength of cohesion between molecules. For instance, water molecules have a slightly negative and a slightly positive end which makes them stick together like magnets. A molecule with more extreme positive and negative charges would have a stronger surface tension.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Factors affecting surface tension include temperature (generally decreases with increasing temperature), presence of impurities (decreases surface tension), and type of molecules in the liquid (polar molecules tend to have higher surface tension). Other factors may include pressure and the presence of surfactants.

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12y ago

The factors which affects the surface tension are:

1- Temperature

2- External Pressure

3- Viscosity

4- Concentration

5- Intermolecular Forces

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15y ago

temperature effects surface tension. When a liquid reaches its boiling point there is no longer any surface tension. Also, contamination lowers the surface tension of liquids

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