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The james webb telescope, the chandrayan-2, the hubble space telescope etc. are some of the examples.

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Q: What are the examples of technological advancements of astronomy?
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What was the positive results of the scientific revolution?

Advancements in Astronomy and physics

How many occupation no longer exist today in everyday life?

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but many occupations have disappeared due to technological advancements, changes in society, and shifts in the economy. Some examples include lamplighters, switchboard operators, and milkmen.

Galileos telescope designs using lenses were examples of?

Galileo's telescope designs using lenses were examples of early optical technology advancements that allowed for magnification and enhanced observational capabilities. These designs revolutionized astronomy and helped Galileo make significant discoveries, such as the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus, that supported the heliocentric model of the solar system.

Who are two scientists important to your understanding of Astronomy?

Nicolaus Copernicus is known for proposing the heliocentric model, placing the Sun at the center of the solar system. Galileo Galilei made significant advancements in observational astronomy, such as discovering Jupiter's moons and observing sunspots, supporting Copernicus's heliocentric model.

What contributions to modern astronomy were made by Chinese and Islamic astronomers during the Dark Ages of medieval Europe?

Chinese astronomers during the Dark Ages made advancements in observational astronomy, such as developing a sophisticated system of recording star positions and predicting celestial events. Islamic astronomers translated and built upon ancient Greek and Indian knowledge, contributing to advancements in trigonometry, astrolabes, and the development of the scientific method in astronomy. Both cultures played important roles in preserving and expanding astronomical knowledge during this period.

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Technological advancements. - NovaNet

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Nationalism has led to technological and scientific advancements in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

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not yet, but with technological advancements, there could be.

What technological advancements did not originate in china?

the invention of the wheel:)

What was the positive results of the scientific revolution?

Advancements in Astronomy and physics

What technological innovations did the Maya develope?

The Maya made significant technological innovations in the fields of agriculture, astronomy, and mathematics. They developed advanced agricultural techniques such as terracing and raised fields to maximize crop production. In astronomy, the Maya constructed observatories and created a complex calendar system based on astronomical observations. Additionally, they made significant advancements in mathematics, including the concept of zero and a sophisticated numeral system.

Unemployment is an inevitable by- product of technological advancement?

Not in the long term if you have a workforce educated in the newer technological advancements.

What were some technological advancements of 1400's?

the printing press