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The products of plant fermentation are alcohol fermentation, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, or lactic acid fermentation. No further energy is gained for the cell.

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14y ago

yeast cells:
co2 and ethanol

animal cells:
2 lactate

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10y ago

The products of fermentation in plants and animals are mostly an acid or an alcohol. In most cases the products of fermentation are lactic acid, carbon dioxide and ethanol.

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carbon dioxide and ethanol

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ethanol and water

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Q: What are the products of fermentation in plants and animals?
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Plants conduct photosynthesis to produce energy, while animals consume organic matter for energy. Plants store energy as starch, while animals store energy as glycogen or fat. Plants have cell walls made of cellulose, while animals do not.

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Why does lactic acid fermentation occurs only in animals not in plants?

Lactic acid fermentation can occur in plants under certain conditions, but it is more common in animals because they have higher levels of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase, which is responsible for catalyzing the reaction that produces lactic acid. Plants usually rely on other types of fermentation pathways, such as ethanol fermentation.

Why does fermentation not occur in plants?

it does occur in plants. alcoholic fermentation is a type of fermentation that many plants go through

How do the products of fermentation in animals differ from yeast?

In animals, fermentation produces lactate or lactic acid as a byproduct, while in yeast, fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid fermentation does not produce energy as efficiently as ethanol fermentation, which is why animals primarily rely on it during high-intensity exercise when oxygen is limited. Fermentation in animals occurs in muscle cells, while yeast fermentation takes place in yeast cells.

What are the reactants and products fermentation?

what are the reactants and products of fermentation and acetyl Co A formation

What is the purpose of the fermentation reactions after glycolysis?

The purpose of fermentation reactions after glycolysis is to regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue producing ATP in the absence of oxygen. Fermentation allows for the conversion of pyruvate into different end products (such as lactate or ethanol) to maintain cellular energy production in anaerobic conditions.

What are two waste products common to plants and animals?

Two waste products common to plants and animals are carbon dioxide and water. However, only plants that photosynthesize in the dark have water as a waste product.

How do animals and plants make their relationship?

Plants utilise what animals give out like their excretory products while animals utilise what plants give like oxygen, fruits, etc.

What makes fermentation different in plantsbacteria and animals?

Fermentation in plants involves the breakdown of sugars to produce energy and metabolic byproducts. In bacteria, fermentation includes a diverse range of metabolic processes that convert organic compounds into energy. In animals, fermentation primarily occurs in the gut, where microbes help break down complex carbohydrates that the host cannot digest.

Name an organism in which alcoholic fermentation takes place?

Yeast is an organism in which alcoholic fermentation takes place. It converts sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen during fermentation.

What is priduced by animals during fermentation?

Lactic acid is produced by animals during fermentation .