Small amounts:
Nausea and vomiting
Rapid breathing
Rapid heart rate
Large amounts:
Loss of consciousness
Low blood pressure
Lung injury
Respiratory failure leading to death
Slow heart rate
Cyanide smells of almonds.
chlorine not the answer
The Danube Cyanide Spill can poison animals by contaminating their water sources with cyanide, which is a highly toxic chemical that interferes with oxygen uptake in cells. When animals drink or swim in cyanide-contaminated water, they can suffer from asphyxiation, neurological damage, and ultimately death. Additionally, cyanide can bioaccumulate in the food chain, further increasing its toxic effects on animals.
Cyanide-tipped bullets were reportedly used by spies or assassins in the past due to the deadly effects of cyanide poisoning. However, its use in modern times is not widely documented or confirmed.
side effects of cyanide antidotes
Cyanide smells of almonds.
Cyanide is considered a fast-acting chemical agent due to its rapid and potent toxic effects on the body. When exposed to cyanide, it can quickly interfere with the body's ability to use oxygen, leading to severe health effects and even death within minutes to hours, depending on the dose and route of exposure.
No, the Holocaust gas was not a nerve agent. It was a cyanide gas. Cyanide kills by binding to the blood in your system, rendering it useless to you.
I need help on finding out how cyanide effects the body
side effects of cyanide antidotes
Vapors sniffed to counter the effects of cyanide poisoning.
Cyanide is very toxic depending on the amount you take.Cyanide is used in everyday items and foods.The effects of Cyanide poising are:HeadachesCardiac arrestLoss of consciousnessGasping for air/shortage of breathNauseaWeakness and confusion
chlorine not the answer
Hydrogen cyanide.