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Q: What are the direct effects of the causes of global warming?
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Which is more useful causes of global warming or the effects of global warming?

Neither is particularly useful.

What are the effects of global warming to the ozone layer?

Global warming is heating of earth. It causes ozone depletion.

What proof is there that humans are causing global warming?

They release gases into the atmosphere that destroys the ozone layer (which protect us from the direct sun rays) and causes global warming.

What measurement or index takes into consideration both the indirect and direct global-warming effects of refrigerants?


Why is knowing about global warming helpful?

If we understand the causes and effects of global warming then we can change our behaviour to reduce these effects. We can also talk to our friends and family so that more people can spread the message to change our behaviour.

Can the ozone layer cause global warming?

Ozone depletion causes global warming. This then causes global temperature to change.

What measurement or index takes into consideration both the indirect and direct Global Warming effects of refrigerants?

The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a measurement that takes into consideration both the direct and indirect global warming effects of refrigerants over a specific time horizon, typically 100 years. It quantifies how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere relative to carbon dioxide.

What is a thesis statement on the causes and effects of global warming?

The causes of global warming include greenhouse gas emissions from human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This leads to a range of effects such as rising temperatures, sea level rise, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss. Effective mitigation strategies are crucial to address and reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet.

What is the global effects of air pollution?

There are many effects. Global warming is a example.

How is pollution affecting the ozone layer?

Pollution causes global warming. This global warming causes ozone depletion.

How does the function of ozone related to flooding?

Ozone depletion causes global warming. Global warming causes floods.

Does gravity affect global warming?

Gravity does not directly affect global warming. Global warming is primarily caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat and lead to a rise in global temperatures. Gravity is a fundamental force that affects the movement and distribution of substances on Earth, but it does not have a direct impact on the underlying causes of global warming.