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One of the most commonly-held theories is that the Earth and the other planets developed over millions of years out of the dust and gas surrounding the sun when it was a young star. The vast majority of scientists hold to this view, which is considered the only viable theory by the scientific community.

Probably the most commonly-held hypothesis aside from the evolutionary model is that the Earth was created by an all-powerful being who also created the entire universe. This view is often described as the Creationist hypothesis. Though there are some scientists who hold this view, they are often overlooked by scientists who believe in evolution, or are mocked for their ideas, whether or not those ideas have affected their scientific work. This view is held by many Christians, though there is disagreement over whether the Earth was created at the time that life started here (taking the Biblical book of Genesis literally, called the Young Earth Model) or whether the Earth was already here at the time that life began here (called the Old Earth Model). The Old Earth Model includes aspects of both of the most common ideas.

Other hypotheses are generally restricted to particular cultures, based on their belief systems.

Specific theories and their development

The French mathematician and physicist Laplace, over one hundred years ago suggested that the sun was formed from the condensation of a nebula, a gaseous body. As the gaseous, rotating sun contracted, gaseous rings would be thrown off just like drops of water from a flywheel. These droplets later formed planets.

The planetesimal theory followed put forward by Chamberlain and Moulton. A star might have come close to the sun as to cause tremendous gravitational pulls upon each other, causing tidal waves, as it were, and erupting material into space.

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14y ago
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3mo ago

Some theories on the origin of the universe include the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. Another theory is the steady state theory, which proposes that the universe has always existed in a continuous state of expansion. There are also theories about the multiverse, suggesting that our universe is just one of many existing parallel universes.

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11y ago

Depends on your denotation for the world. If your intended use of the word "world" is the Earth, then the Nebular Hypothesis for the formation of solar systems is more appropriate to explain the origin of planets, like Earth.

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11y ago

First Christians believe God created the world in the creation. Recently scientists believed that The Big Bang created the universe. Yet in the Modern Science Net who study groundbreaking science theories we have found evidence of alien life and also alien technology, which has been given to us by the government to study from Area 50, a research into alien life. We discovered this technology contained traces of Neuroxidiciscis, which means it has the power to affect gravity and to affect the universe around them. This means that they could effect us and it may not be science and gravity making us move and twist and circle the sun, but actually alien life forms controlling the world. Other theories are from pagan religions which are not very scientific.

Answer:I'm not sure how to approach this.

I don't know seven theories of the origin of the world but as the original answerer said one belief (it's not a theory, it's simply a belief) is that it happened as described in the Book of Genesis in The Bible.

Primitive people's had numerous other beliefs about the origin. For example according to the Boshongo people of central Africa, in the beginning, there was only darkness, water, and the great god Bumba. One day Bumba, in pain from a stomach ache, vomited up the sun. The sun dried up some of the water, leaving land. Still in pain, Bumba vomited up the moon, the stars, and then some animals. The leopard, the crocodile, the turtle, and finally, man.

Sixty years ago scientists had the Steady State theory. This idea says that the universe has always been here mostly as it is. That matter is continuously being created as the universe gets larger.

Today the big bang theory is the one believed by most scientists. It's too involved to explain but in essence a extremely tiny thing came from nothing and erupted in a gigantic explosion that created a huge amount of energy some of which jelled into matter which formed most of what we know and see today.

No reputable scientist believes any of this was done by ancient aliens.
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12y ago

0. There is not yet a comprehensive, testable model that explains the origination of the universe.

1. The model that explains the expansion of the universe, and the coalescence of matter and the formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies is called: the Lambda CDM model, which is a particular version of Big Bang theory.

2. The model that explains the coalescence of stars and planets from primordial hydrogen, helium and other elements is called: the Kant Nebular hypothesis.

3. There is not yet a comprehensive, testable model that explains the origination of life on Earth, but there are various good hypotheses which might become part of such a model in the foreseeable future.

4. The model that explains the development of large-scale geological features over time is called: plate tectonics.

5. The model that explains the emergence of new species from previously existing life is called: evolutionary theory.

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8y ago

Today, the most commonly-held views boil down to either random events or Divine creation. See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution

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10y ago

The most famous theory of the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory. Others include Cosmic Inflation and the Steady State theory.

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12y ago

the most popular one is the big bang.

it states that the universe was formed in one gigantic explosion.

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Q: What are the different theories on the origin of the universe?
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What are some theories on the origin of universe?

the big bang or god

How is scientific data used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe?

Scientific data, such as observations from telescopes and particle accelerators, are used to develop and refine scientific theories that describe the origin of the universe, such as the Big Bang theory. By comparing these observations with predictions made by theories, scientists can gain a better understanding of the processes that occurred during the early universe. This iterative process of collecting data and adjusting theories based on evidence helps to build a more accurate and comprehensive picture of the origin of the universe.

Although there is scientific evidence and many scientific theories about the origin of the universe how it all happened remains a question?

The origin of the universe is still a question because we have yet to discover a complete and definitive explanation. Theories like the Big Bang provide a framework for understanding the early universe, but the ultimate cause or reason for the universe's existence is still a mystery that scientists continue to explore.

Has the big question about the origin of the universe finally been answered?

The question of the origin of the universe is still a subject of scientific inquiry and debate. The Big Bang theory is the leading scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, but many questions remain unanswered, such as what triggered the Big Bang or what existed before it.

Why are the theories of the origin of the universe not scientific law?

Not scientific law because there are too many possibilities, no-one can tell for sure.

Related questions

What are different theories of the origin of the universe?

the most popular one is the big bang. it states that the universe was formed in one gigantic explosion.

What are some theories on the origin of universe?

the big bang or god

Is there a corner to the universe?

Not if the current theories about its origin and developments are correct.

What are two main theories for the origin of the universe?

The big bang, and God

Why scientist have only theories about the origin of universe?

It is impossible to prove what was not witnessed. they only have theories because nothing else is atainable in that field of study. more information will become available but I don't think the universe is just going to hand us a VHS labeled "The Origin of the Universe"

What the theories of the origin of the universe?

the most popular one is the big bang. it states that the universe was formed in one gigantic explosion.

How is scientific data used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe?

Scientific data, such as observations from telescopes and particle accelerators, are used to develop and refine scientific theories that describe the origin of the universe, such as the Big Bang theory. By comparing these observations with predictions made by theories, scientists can gain a better understanding of the processes that occurred during the early universe. This iterative process of collecting data and adjusting theories based on evidence helps to build a more accurate and comprehensive picture of the origin of the universe.

What is the meaning of theories of the origin of the universe?

The origin of the universe is just that - a theory. We can only speculate how universe began - based on the knowledge we have up to now. There may be other factors - that could change our perspective on how the universe began - yet to be discovered !

Although there is scientific evidence and many scientific theories about the origin of the universe how it all happened remains a question?

The origin of the universe is still a question because we have yet to discover a complete and definitive explanation. Theories like the Big Bang provide a framework for understanding the early universe, but the ultimate cause or reason for the universe's existence is still a mystery that scientists continue to explore.

Has the big question about the origin of the universe finally been answered?

The question of the origin of the universe is still a subject of scientific inquiry and debate. The Big Bang theory is the leading scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, but many questions remain unanswered, such as what triggered the Big Bang or what existed before it.

Why are the theories of the origin of the universe not scientific law?

Not scientific law because there are too many possibilities, no-one can tell for sure.

How did the universe start other than the big bang?

The big bang theory is the prevailing scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. Other theories, such as the cyclic model or the multiverse hypothesis, involve different mechanisms for the universe's origin but are speculative and lack empirical support. At present, the big bang theory is the most widely accepted explanation supported by observational evidence.