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In terms of function, nothing. The adult kidney is just much larger.

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Q: What are the differences between the adult and infant kidneys?
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What are the three stages of the life cycle?

Life starts at reprouduction, birth, infant, child, adult, old age, then death (OR THE END).

How is infant body structure different from adult body structure?

Infant bodies are proportionally smaller, with larger heads in relation to their bodies. They have less developed skeletal structures, softer cartilage, and more fragile bones compared to adults. Infants have different anatomical adaptations, such as a fontanelle in the skull that allows for brain growth during early development.

What are differences between adult and baby hands?

Adult hands are typically larger in size compared to baby hands. Adult hands have well-defined joints and stronger muscles, while baby hands are more delicate and have soft, pliable bones. In addition, adult hands have more developed fine motor skills and dexterity than baby hands.

What are the similarities and differences between research on and the use of adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells?

Similarities: Both adult and embryonic stem cells have the potential to develop into different cell types in the body. They are both utilized in research to study cell behavior and potential therapies. Differences: Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos, while adult stem cells are found in various tissues in the body. Adult stem cells have a more restricted potential to differentiate into specific cell types compared to embryonic stem cells. Ethical issues are often raised with the use of embryonic stem cells due to the source of their derivation.

How many meters is an adult killer whale?

An adult killer whale can reach between 6 to 8 meters in length.

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What are the difference between adult and infant?

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with babies that are brought up with interactions they can share love and not much different is put between a infant and an adult

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The two baptisms are the same, except that an adult being baptised answers for himself. The parents answer for an infant.

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An infant's eyes are between 65 and 75 percent of their adult size.

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What are the differences between an adult and a young person using a hand tool?

well an adult is careful and a child can be clumsy

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What are similarities between an infant skull and an adult skull?

Both an infant skull and an adult skull are made of the same material and have the same general parts. Although shaped a little bit differently, the shape is the same in a general sense.

Difference between adult child and infant airways?

A child's airway differs from that of an adult in that the child's tongue is proportionately larger in the oropharynx compered to that of an adult. Also, a child's airway is smaller and softer and more prone to foreign body obstruction. An infant's airway is smaller and softer still and the trachea is usually about the diameter of a pencil.

Do your molars grow back?

Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.

The best in this are but shadows is?

true to the infant is true to the adult

How many bones to you have?

Adult: 206 Infant: 300