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The answer is sulcus.

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Q: What are the depressions between the convolutions of the cerebrum?
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The convolutions on the cerebrum's surface is called?

The convolutions on the cerebrum's surface are called gyri and sulci. Gyri are the raised folds, while sulci are the grooves that separate them. These convolutions increase the surface area of the brain, allowing for more neurons to be packed within the limited space of the skull.

How do the convolutions and sulci of the sheep cerebrum compare with the human cerebrum in number?

I think the sheep cerebrum has less Yes, the sheep cerebrum does have less of the convolutions and sulci, because the human cerebrum has evolved mental capacity over time.

What are the valleys separating the convolutions on the surface of the cerebrum?

The valleys separating the convolutions on the surface of the cerebrum are called sulci. They play a role in increasing the surface area of the brain, allowing for more neural connections and processing power within a limited space.

Convolutions of the brain provide increased what?

Convolutions of the brain provide increased surface area for more neurons to be packed in, allowing for greater processing power in a compact space. This increased surface area also enables more connections between neurons, facilitating complex information processing and cognitive functions.

The surface of the cerebrum is folded into elevations that resemble speed bumps are called what?

The elevations on the surface of the cerebrum that resemble speed bumps are called gyri. They are the raised ridges on the brain's cortex that help increase surface area for more cognitive processing.

What is parietal operculum region of the brain?

The convolutions of the cerebrum. The margins of which are separated by the lateral cerebral fissure.

What are the convolutions of the brain?

The convolutions in the cerebrum increase surface area

What is the difference between a gyrus and sulcus?

A gyrus is a raised ridge on the brain's surface, while a sulcus is a groove or furrow between two gyri. Gyri and sulci together form the folded appearance of the brain, increasing its surface area for more neurons and connections.

How does colliculus in sheep compare to human?

The colliculus in sheep and humans serve similar functions in integrating sensory information and controlling specific motor functions. However, sheep have larger colliculi relative to brain size compared to humans, likely due to their need for heightened sensory processing and motor coordination in their natural environment. Additionally, the specific organization and connections within the colliculi may vary between sheep and humans based on their unique evolutionary and ecological demands.

Convolutions seen in the cerebrum important because they increase what?

{Based upon that most important of all of the Physical and Chemical principles that affect and have effects on every element of Life} Surface area.

Why are the convolutions seen in the cerebrum important?

Convolutions in the cerebrum, known as gyri and sulci, increase the surface area of the brain, allowing for more neurons to be packed in. This increased surface area enables higher cognitive functions and information processing to occur within the brain. It also helps to optimize space within the confined skull.

What is the definitions of convolutions and sulci?

convolutions: a form or part that is folded or coiled; one of the convex folds of the surface of the brain.Sulci: a shallow groove, such as that between gyri on the brain surface.