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The cytoplasmic space in eukaryotic cells is occupied by organelles, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. These membrane-bound structures carry out specific functions within the cell, such as energy production (mitochondria), protein synthesis and transport (endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus), waste removal (lysosomes), and lipid metabolism (peroxisomes).

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Q: What are the cytoplasmic space in eukaryotic cells is occupied by many diverse membrane-bound structures with specific cellular functions?
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What occupies the cytoplasmic space in eukaryotic cells?

In eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasmic space is occupied by organelles like the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and ribosomes. It also contains cytoskeleton elements, cytosolic proteins, ions, nutrients, and other molecules necessary for cellular functions.

In eukaryotic organisms which microscopic structures carry out the major life functions?

These are called organelles when we talk about all of them.

What genetic process is believed to account for the variety of cellular structures and functions in eukaryotic cells?

The process of gene expression, which includes transcription and translation, plays a key role in the diversity of cellular structures and functions in eukaryotic cells. By controlling which genes are turned on or off, cells can produce different proteins and regulatory molecules that give rise to specialized structures and functions. Additionally, alternative splicing and post-translational modifications further contribute to this diversity.

Plant and animal cells are examples of?

eukaryotic cells. They contain membrane-bound organelles, a nucleus that houses the genetic material, and specialized structures for various cellular functions. Both plant and animal cells have similarities in structure, but differences in certain organelles and functions.

Are small structures in the cytoplasm organelles?

No, small structures in the cytoplasm such as ribosomes are not considered organelles. Organelles are membrane-bound compartments with specific functions, while ribosomes are non-membrane bound structures involved in protein synthesis.

Related questions

What occupies the cytoplasmic space in eukaryotic cells?

In eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasmic space is occupied by organelles like the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and ribosomes. It also contains cytoskeleton elements, cytosolic proteins, ions, nutrients, and other molecules necessary for cellular functions.

In eukaryotic organisms which microscopic structures carry out the major life functions?

These are called organelles when we talk about all of them.

What genetic process is believed to account for the variety of cellular structures and functions in eukaryotic cells?

The process of gene expression, which includes transcription and translation, plays a key role in the diversity of cellular structures and functions in eukaryotic cells. By controlling which genes are turned on or off, cells can produce different proteins and regulatory molecules that give rise to specialized structures and functions. Additionally, alternative splicing and post-translational modifications further contribute to this diversity.

Plant and animal cells are examples of?

eukaryotic cells. They contain membrane-bound organelles, a nucleus that houses the genetic material, and specialized structures for various cellular functions. Both plant and animal cells have similarities in structure, but differences in certain organelles and functions.

What are Cells that have organized nucleus and internal membrane structure?

Cells with organized nucleus and internal membrane structures are called eukaryotic cells. These cells are found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists. Eukaryotic cells have a defined nucleus that houses the genetic material and various organelles with specialized functions.

Are small structures in the cytoplasm organelles?

No, small structures in the cytoplasm such as ribosomes are not considered organelles. Organelles are membrane-bound compartments with specific functions, while ribosomes are non-membrane bound structures involved in protein synthesis.

What is cytoplasmic organelle?

a structure in the cytoplasm organelles; perform various cellular functions

What type of cell is kingdom animalia made of?

Kingdom Animalia is composed of eukaryotic, multicellular cells. These cells do not have cell walls, but they do have specialized structures and functions that allow animals to carry out various complex activities.

Eukaryotes contain specialized structures that perform important cellular functionsthese structures are called?

Organelles. These structures are membrane-bound compartments found within eukaryotic cells that have specific functions in cellular processes such as protein synthesis, energy production, and waste removal. Examples include the nucleus, mitochondria, and lysosomes.

How do eukaryotic cells differ from each other?

Eukaryotic cells can differ from each other in terms of size, shape, function, and the organelles they contain. Different eukaryotic cells have specialized structures that enable them to perform specific functions. Additionally, eukaryotic cells can vary in the number and arrangement of organelles, impacting their overall structure and capabilities.

3 major components of the cytoplasm?

The three major components of the cytoplasm are the cytosol, organelles, and cytoplasmic inclusions. The cytosol is the semi-fluid portion where organelles are suspended, while organelles are specialized structures that perform specific functions within the cell. Cytoplasmic inclusions are particles suspended in the cytosol, such as lipid droplets or glycogen granules.

Does protozoa have organelles?

Yes, protozoa have organelles. They typically have structures such as nuclei, mitochondria, and food vacuoles that perform various functions within the cell, similar to other eukaryotic organisms.