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It is very good question indeed. Volume by volume two parts of hydrogen will burn in one part of oxygen.(Formula being 2H2 + O2 = H2O.) Mass for mass 212=4 to 16*2=32. 1 and 16 being mass number of hydrogen and oxygen. So 4 is to 32 means 1 is to 8 would be proportion mass by mass. After burning of hydrogen in oxygen, large amount of heat is produced and water is formed. To burn the hydrogen in oxygen you have to ignite the reaction in the form of spark, otherwise both of them will not burn and will remain as a mixture. Onceignitedthen further energy will be given by burning of gases. Now as water is already burn out product, it can not burn again. By burning wood, you get ash. You can not 'burn' the ash. So water is like 'ash' already burned out. And it consume lot of energy to get evaporated and easily available. So you use it to extinguish fire.

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Q: What are the conditions under which oxygen reacts with hydrogen to produce water. Oxygen supports combustion and hydrogen is a good fuel but water is a good extinguisher - why?
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Does hydrogen support combustion?

Yes, hydrogen is highly flammable and supports combustion. When hydrogen comes into contact with oxygen, it ignites and produces a flame.

Does hydrogen gas support combustion?

Yes, hydrogen gas supports combustion. It is highly flammable and burns in the presence of oxygen to produce heat and water vapor.

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Other gases that can support combustion include hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. These gases can act as oxidizers in the absence of oxygen and can sustain a fire by reacting with the fuel in the combustion process.

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Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are gases at room temperature. Oxygen supports combustion and hydrogen is very combustible. Water is a liquid at room temperature and is not combustible and does not support combustion.

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is supports combustion is a chemical properties

Why only oxygen supports combustion and not hydrogen or nitrogen?

Oxygen supports combustion because it is highly reactive and readily combines with other elements. Hydrogen does support combustion, but it requires an external source of oxygen to react with. Nitrogen is a stable, inert gas that does not readily react with other elements to support combustion.

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Oxygen itself is not explosive because it is not a fuel. However, when oxygen comes into contact with a fuel source (such as combustible materials like gasoline or hydrogen), it can accelerate the combustion process, leading to fires and explosions. Oxygen supports combustion but does not inherently explode on its own.

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No, chlorine is not flammable and does not support combustion. It can actually react with materials that normally support combustion, such as hydrogen, making it useful as a fire suppressant.

Element that supports combustion?

. Oxygen, O.

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If you say 'oxygen gas supports combustion' are you talking about a chemical or physical reaction?

Combustion is a hemical reaction.

What is the combustibility of oxygen hydrogen and water?

Oxygen is combustible, supporting the combustion of flammable materials. Hydrogen is highly flammable and combustible, easily igniting in the presence of oxygen. Water is not combustible and does not support combustion.