If your immune system stopped working, your body would be unable to defend itself against infections and diseases. This could lead to severe illnesses, recurring infections, and even life-threatening conditions. It is crucial for the immune system to function properly to protect your overall health.
Homeostasis is a vital physiological process that keeps the body stable and in balance. It cannot be stopped entirely, as it is necessary for survival. However, certain conditions or diseases can disrupt homeostasis temporarily, and treating the underlying issue can help restore balance.
The body maintaining relatively constant conditions within the body.
No, a body cannot have acceleration when it is momentarily at rest. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time, so if the body is at rest, its velocity is zero, and therefore its acceleration is zero as well.
No, momentarily is an adverb.
The bus paused momentarily at the stop sign.
It means stopped or suspended.
To put it plainly there is a system overload of sorts, and the body essentially stalls momentarily.
Momentarily means for a very short time or momentarily refers to something that will happen in the near future. It can also be used to describe a temporary pause or interruption.
The current Dodge Charger is still in production. The B-body Charger stopped production in 1978, the L-body Charger stopped production in 1987.
Yes.momentarily |ˌmōmənˈte(ə)rəlē|adverb1 for a very short time : as he passed Jenny's door, he paused momentarily.2 at any moment; very soon : my husband will be here to pick me up momentarily.
The ball will have the greatest gravitational potential energy at the highest point of its trajectory, when it has momentarily stopped moving upwards before falling back down.
The word 'momentarily' is an adverb, a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Examples:He ran out for a quick errand and we expect him toreturn momentarily. (modifies the verb 'return')We were momentarily afraid that we had missed the train. (modifies the adjective 'afraid')I looked away from the toddler momentarily, but somehow he disappeared. (modifies the adverb 'away')
In a moment.