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Q: What are the combinations of active or inactive regulatory proteins that could be present at any time in a prokaryotes cell?
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Can prokaryotes synthesize proteins?

Yes, prokaryotes can synthesize proteins. They have ribosomes and the necessary machinery to transcribe DNA into mRNA and then translate the mRNA into proteins. The process of protein synthesis in prokaryotes occurs in the cytoplasm.

What is a inactive protein?

Complement proteins

What is a transcription factor?

regulatory proteins

Can regulatory proteins exert their effects?

Yes, they would be of no use if they could not. Regulatory proteins use four ways to exert their effects.

Do proteins have both structural and regulatory functions in the body?

they have have structural, defense and regulatory functions

When do Regulatory proteins exert their effects?

When do Regulatory proteins exert their effects?a) before transcriptionb) during transcriptionc) after transcriptiond) during translatione) all of theseAsnwer : all of these

Why ribosomes are attached to DNA in prokaryotes?

Ribosomes are not physically attached to DNA in prokaryotes; they are located in the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs. Ribosomes use the genetic information stored in DNA to assemble proteins. DNA in prokaryotes serves as the genetic blueprint for making proteins, and ribosomes read this information to build the proteins.

What region of prokaryotic gene is analogous to the enhancer region of a eukaryotic gene?

In prokaryotes, the regulatory region of a gene where transcription factors bind to enhance gene expression is called the promoter region. While prokaryotes do not have enhancer regions like eukaryotes, they can have operator regions where repressor proteins bind to downregulate gene expression.

What do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have in commmon?

DNA, proteins, plasma membrane

What does the binding of regulatory proteins to DNA do?

Regulate gene transcription.

Many thousands of proteins may have arisen from only a few thousand exons because?

regulatory proteins

What is the name of the regulatory protein?

There are many regulatory proteins in the human body, such as transcription factors, kinases, and G-proteins. It would depend on the specific context or system you are referring to in order to determine the name of the regulatory protein.