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Q: What are the coldest months in the Bahamas?
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Two of Australia's coldest months are July and August.

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The coldest months in Asia are December, January, and February. These are considered the "winter" months, hence the colder temperatures.

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April, September and June are the best months to cruise to Bahamas.

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January is typically the coldest month in Alaska, with temperatures dropping well below freezing in many parts of the state. Areas in the interior of Alaska can experience temperatures as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit or below during this time.

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The coldest winter month in Belarus is traditionally January.

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No, January is not the coldest month in India. The coldest months in India typically vary by region, with December and January being the coldest months in northern India and parts of central India, while in southern India, the coldest month is usually December or January.

What is the best month to cruise to the Bahamas?

April, September and June are the best months to cruise to Bahamas.

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The coldest time in Kenya is generally during the months of July and August, which are considered the winter months in the country. Temperatures during this period can drop significantly, especially in higher altitude areas such as Nairobi and the central highlands.

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may to September are the hottest months, take is from me, i live there!

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June to August are the coldest.

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december and january

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