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quartz and clay

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Q: What are the chief constituents of detrital sedimentary rocks?
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Particle size is the primary basis for distinguishing among various detrital sedimentary rocks?

Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified based on the particle size of the grains they contain. These rocks include conglomerate, sandstone, and shale, with conglomerate having the largest particles, followed by sandstone and shale with finer particles. The size of particles in a detrital sedimentary rock can provide information about the environment in which the rock was formed.

What is a type of detrital sedimentary rock?

Detrital rocks are sedimentary rocks that are composed of particles of weathered and eroded igneous, metamorphic, or other sedimentary rocks that have been deposited, compacted, and cemented together. Sandstone, conglomerate, shale, and breccia are examples of detrital sedimentary rocks.

What are detrital rocks formed from?

Detrital sedimentary rocks, also called clastic sedimentary rocks, are composed of rock fragments that have been weathered from pre-existing rocks. They are the most common rocks on the surface of the earth.

What minerals are most common in detrital sedimentary rocks?

The most common minerals found in detrital sedimentary rocks are quartz, feldspar, and clay minerals. These minerals are often derived from the erosion and weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

What is the main criterion for classifying detrital sedimentary rocks?

The main criterion for classifying detrital sedimentary rocks is the grain size of the particles they are composed of. Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified based on the size of the sediment particles, including categories such as conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale.

What type of sedimentary rocks forms when particles of minerals and rocks are cemented together?

Detrital sedimentary rock. clastic sedimentary A+

What is the most abundant mineral in detrital sedimentary rocks?

Quartz is the most abundant mineral in detrital sedimentary rocks. It is highly resistant to weathering and erosion, making it a common component of sedimentary deposits.

In what ways are detrital rocks organic rocks and chemical sedimentary rocks the same?


What criterion is used to subdivide the detrital sedimentary rocks?


Do detrital sedimentary rocks have clastic textures?

Yes, detrital sedimentary rocks have clastic textures. Clastic textures are composed of fragments or grains derived from pre-existing rocks or minerals, which are then compacted and cemented together to form the new rock. Detrital sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone and shale, are formed through the deposition and lithification of these clastic particles.

Although not a rock... a material similar to detrital sedimentary rocks is WHAT?


What minerals are the most common in detrital sedimentary rocks?

Quartz and Clay.