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Q: What are the chemicals that break down the food into the four basic organic compounds?
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Organic compounds break down spontaneously in the presence of?

Organic compounds can break down spontaneously in the presence of oxygen, heat, light, or water. These conditions can initiate chemical reactions that lead to the decomposition of organic molecules.

What is the basic pattern of a chemical cycle in an ecosystem?

In a chemical cycle in an ecosystem, chemicals are continuously recycled between biotic and abiotic components. For example, in the carbon cycle, carbon dioxide is taken up by plants during photosynthesis, passed on to herbivores when they eat the plants, and then to carnivores when they eat the herbivores. Decomposers break down dead organisms, releasing carbon back into the environment for reuse.

What is used to convert Organic pollutants into water vapour and Co2?

Biodegradation or oxidation processes are commonly used to convert organic pollutants into water vapor and CO2. These processes break down the organic compounds into simpler, less harmful substances through the action of microorganisms or chemicals. Additionally, advanced technologies like photocatalysis or ozonation can also be employed to facilitate the decomposition of organic pollutants.

What bacteria help break down rich organic compounds?

Bacteria such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Clostridium are known to help break down rich organic compounds. These bacteria possess enzymes that can degrade complex organic molecules into simpler forms, which can then be utilized by other organisms in the ecosystem.

What name is given to organisms that convert the carbon in organic compounds into carbon in carbon dioxide?

Organisms that convert the carbon in organic compounds into carbon in carbon dioxide are called decomposers or detrivores. These organisms break down organic matter through the process of decomposition, releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere as a byproduct.

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Organic compounds break down spontaneously in the presence of?

Organic compounds can break down spontaneously in the presence of oxygen, heat, light, or water. These conditions can initiate chemical reactions that lead to the decomposition of organic molecules.

What is the basic pattern of a chemical cycle in an ecosystem?

In a chemical cycle in an ecosystem, chemicals are continuously recycled between biotic and abiotic components. For example, in the carbon cycle, carbon dioxide is taken up by plants during photosynthesis, passed on to herbivores when they eat the plants, and then to carnivores when they eat the herbivores. Decomposers break down dead organisms, releasing carbon back into the environment for reuse.

What role do producers play in the carbon oxygen cycles?

producers synthesize organic compounds, consumers break them down

What role do producers play in carbon oxygen cycles?

producers synthesize organic compounds, consumers break them down

All compounds can be classified as?

Compounds can be classified as either organic or inorganic based on the presence of carbon atoms. Organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, while inorganic compounds do not.

When organisms break the bonds of organic compounds the organism can?

When organisms break the bonds of organic compounds, they can release energy that is stored in the bonds. This energy is used to fuel various cellular processes such as growth, reproduction, and movement. The breakdown of organic compounds also helps in recycling nutrients within ecosystems.

When organisms break the bonds of organic compound the organisms can?

obtain enery and/or they will reassemble the resulting materials to form different compounds

What bacteria help break down rich organic compounds?

Bacteria such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Clostridium are known to help break down rich organic compounds. These bacteria possess enzymes that can degrade complex organic molecules into simpler forms, which can then be utilized by other organisms in the ecosystem.

What causes dirt to stink?

Dirt can develop a foul odor due to the presence of decomposing organic matter, bacteria, and other microorganisms in the soil. These organic materials break down and release compounds like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and other volatile chemicals that contribute to the unpleasant smell.

What is a good facial product that doesn't make you break out?

It always depends on your skin but there are multiple great organic washes and creams. Organic products don't have the chemicals that can damages your skin and clog pores.

What name is given to organisms that convert the carbon in organic compounds into carbon in carbon dioxide?

Organisms that convert the carbon in organic compounds into carbon in carbon dioxide are called decomposers or detrivores. These organisms break down organic matter through the process of decomposition, releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere as a byproduct.

How do bacteria keep the world free from waste?

The bacteria consumes or eats all of the wastes, that is how it lives.