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Ethylbenzene is a compound that is organic. It is one of the compounds used to make plastics. Ethylbenzene is a colorless liquid which boils at 277 degrees Fahrenheit. The molecular formula of Ethylbenzene is C8H10. Ethylbenzene also has an order that resembles gasoline.

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Q: What are the characteristics of Ethylbenzene?
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No, toluene is less polar than ethylbenzene. Toluene has a methyl group attached to the benzene ring, which decreases its overall polarity compared to ethylbenzene, which has an ethyl group attached.

How is ethylbenzene made?

Ethylbenzene is typically made through the alkylation of benzene with ethylene in the presence of a catalyst, such as aluminum chloride. This reaction forms ethylbenzene and hydrogen gas as byproduct. The ethylbenzene can then be separated and purified for use in various applications, such as in the production of styrene.

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This is the common name. It could also be called phenylethane.

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The boiling point of 3-ethylhexane is 117,508 0C at standard pressure.

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