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Guard Cells surround the stomata, and enable it to open or shut.

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4mo ago

The cells that surround the stomata are called guard cells. They regulate the opening and closing of the stomata to control gas exchange and water loss in plants.

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Q: What are the cells that surround the stomata called?
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What structure surrounds the stomata?

Epidermal cells surround the stomata.

Guard cells surround and control the opening of the?


What is the name of leaf tissue where the stomata are found?

Stomata are found in the epidermis of leaves, specifically in specialized cells called guard cells. Guard cells surround and control the opening and closing of the stomata to regulate gas exchange and water loss in plants.

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What are the stomata in plant leaves?

Stomata are found on the leaves outer leaf skin layer called the epidermis. They are the minute aperture structures that are made up of two specialised cells known as guard cells that surround the tiny pores called stoma.

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The kidney shaped cells that enclose stomata are called guard cells.

What surrounds the stoma of a plant?

The stoma of a plant is surrounded by two specialized cells called guard cells that regulate its opening and closing. These guard cells control gas exchange and water loss in the plant.

What leaf structure adjusts the size of the stomata?

Guard cells, which are specialized cells that surround the stomata, are responsible for adjusting the size of the stomatal pore. When the guard cells take up or release water, they change shape and control the opening and closing of the stomata.

How the opening and closing of leaf stomata is controlled?

The opening and closing of leaf stomata is controlled by changes in turgor pressure within the guard cells that surround the stomatal pore. When the guard cells take up water and become turgid, they bow outwards, causing the stomata to open. Conversely, when the guard cells lose water and become flaccid, they collapse inward, causing the stomata to close. This mechanism is regulated by various environmental factors such as light intensity, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels.

What are the names of the specialized cells that control the aperture of the hole of the stomata?

The specialized cells that control the aperture of the stomata are called guard cells. These cells change shape to open and close the pore of the stomata, thus regulating gas exchange and transpiration in plant leaves.

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What cells guard the opening and closing of the stomata?

The guard cells are specialized cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata in plant leaves. They can change shape to regulate the exchange of gases and water vapor between the leaf and the surrounding environment.