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Q: What are the bundles of unmyelinated axons dendrites and neuron cell bodies in the CNS from?
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Does dendrites contain nissl bodies?

Yes, dendrites contain Nissl bodies. Nissl bodies, also called Nissl substance or Nissl granules, are rough endoplasmic reticulum in the neuronal cell bodies and dendrites. They are responsible for protein synthesis in the neuron.

What is the function of the dendrites in the neuron?

The dendrites receive the data or signal from another neuron for the soma.

What are extensions of a neuron that receive signals?

Dendrites are the extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses towards the cell body of the neuron.

What type of neuron has many dendrites?

multipolar neuron

Axons and dendrites is another word for?

Axons are the output element of a neuron, and dendrites are the input elements of a neuron.

Number of parts in a neuron?

It depends on the neuron. They all have a cell body. They have dendrites and some have dendrites plus axon(s).

The part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving information signals from other neurons is called?

Dendrites are the part of a neuron which receives chemical messages (neurotransmitters) through synapses.Mostly the dendrites receive messages from other neurons, but the cell bodies of neurons also receive direct synaptic inputs from other cells.

What is the input structure of the neuron?


What is the part of the neuron that receives signals?

The dendrites are the part of the neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They branch out from the cell body and act as the main input sites for receiving information from neighboring neurons.

Does a single neuron possess dendrites?


What carries to the cell body of a neuron?


What part of neuron received signals?
