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1. population

2. species

3. individual

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1mo ago

The biological sublevels of a biotic community include individual organisms, populations of the same species, and communities of different species interacting in the same habitat. These sublevels represent different levels of organization within the community, from individual organisms to larger groupings of species.

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Q: What are the biological sublevels of biotic community?
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What are biotic factors that can affect the structure of biological communities?

Biotic factors such as competition for resources, predation, symbiosis, and disease can all influence the structure of biological communities by shaping population dynamics and species interactions. These factors can determine species abundance, diversity, and distribution within a community.

Does a community have biotic and a biotic factors?

Yes, a community contains both biotic factors, such as living organisms like plants and animals, and abiotic factors, such as temperature and sunlight. Biotic factors interact with each other, while abiotic factors influence the living organisms within the community. Together, they shape the dynamics and composition of the community.

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Succession is a series of changes in a biotic community that progress towards a stable climax community. It involves the gradual replacement of one community by another over time.

What is a community of living things and the physical environment with which they interact?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants, animals, and microorganisms) interacting with each other and the physical environment within a specific area. This interaction involves the exchange of energy and nutrients to maintain balance and sustain life within the ecosystem.

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Furniture is considered abiotic since it is non-living and does not have biological characteristics like growth or reproduction.

Is a hawk a biotic or abiotic?

A hawk is a biotic organism because it is a living, biological entity. Biotic factors refer to living components of an ecosystem, such as plants and animals.

Why are animals described as macroconsumer in the biotic community?

A biotic community is defined as a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. In the order of life, a biotic community can not exist with macroconsumers in order for life to continue.

How are they similar the biotic community and ecosystem?

Biotic Community- A group of interdependent organisms living and interacting with each other in the same habitat. Ecosystem- a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment

What are the 6 levels of organization?

Individual--one specific organism Biological population--a group of individuals of the same species living together at on place at one time. Biological community-- all the populations that live in one area. Ecosystem--An abiotic interaction of a area and the biotic community that lives in the area. Biome--a large area with characteristic climate. Biosphere-- all of the places where life exists and interacts with the physical environment. If you just wanted the 6 steps without the definitions the here they are: Individual Biological population biological community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

What are the physical factor in the biotic community?

trees and earth

How does the biotic community benefit from these relationships?

Its when you are a cone head

If you die are you still biotic?

No, once someone dies, they are no longer considered biotic, as the term "biotic" refers to living organisms with life processes. After death, biological processes cease to function, making the individual no longer biotic.