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Modern Day Drought stricken ranchers is Texas hate Climate Change.

Climate Change is directly related to Global Warming and Sea Ice Melting.

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8mo ago

Some potential benefits of global warming for farmers include longer growing seasons, increased crop yields in certain regions, and expanded opportunities to grow new types of crops. However, these benefits may be offset by negative effects such as more frequent and severe weather events, changes in pest and disease patterns, and water scarcity.

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Does farming cause global warming?

Farming contributes to global warming for several reasons, but global warming does not cause farming. Global warming causes difficulties for farmers, because it increases instability in the weather, meaning that weather is less predictable and there are more floods, droughts, and other weather extremes.

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The benefits of that will be that we are stopping the earth from being in global warming

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Is it possible for global warming to have any positive side effects?

While global warming may have some localized benefits, such as longer growing seasons in certain regions, the overall impact is negative. The negative effects of global warming, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity, far outweigh any potential positive side effects. It is important to focus on mitigating and adapting to the negative consequences of global warming rather than seeking out potential benefits.

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There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

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There are several benefits to global warming, below is a list of 20, it's not an exhaustive list and there are other advantages as well… • Many plant and animal species thrive in warmer conditions

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Global warming is not natural, it is caused by people. Since there aren't people on Neptune, it cannot have global warming.

What is the meaning of global warming in Filipino?

The meaning of global warming in Filipino is "pandaigdigang pag-init."

What part of speech is global warming?

Global is an adjective and warming is a noun.

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No, chlorine has no effect on Global Warming.

Where is global warming mainly present?

The name says it "GLOBAL" warming.

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Global warming and the humans abandoned it because of global warming. Global warming