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Q: What are the base paor rules for DNA and rna?
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CGT base triplet on DNA is copied into mRNA as?

CGT base triplet on DNA is copied into mRNA as GCA. This is because DNA and RNA follow complementary base pairing rules, where C in DNA pairs with G in RNA, G in DNA pairs with C in RNA, and T in DNA pairs with A in RNA.

What do DNA have and RNA not?

RNA has the base uracil which replaces the thymine base of DNA.

What do DNA and RNA have?

RNA has the base uracil which replaces the thymine base of DNA.

What are the rules for base pairing?

dna : A=T C=G rna A=U C=G

How do DNA and RNA differ in terms of sugar number of strands shape and bases?

Sugar- DNA has a deoxyribose sugar base while RNA has a ribose sugar base. This means that DNA's sugar base has one less oxygen than RNA's (de means one less and oxy is short for oxygen).# of Strands- DNA is double stranded (made of two strands) while RNA is single stranded (made of one strand).Nitrogen Bases- DNA and RNA both share the nitrogen bases of Adenine, Cytosine, and Guanine. However, DNA contains the nitrogen base of Thymine while RNA contains Uracil. The base pairing rules of DNA are A-T and G-C while the base pairing rules of RNA are A-U and G-C. So as you can see, uracil merely replaces thymine in RNA.

What is the substance in RNA but not DNA?

An uracil base is in RNA but not in DNA

What is the nitrogen base that pairs with adenine in RNA?

In RNA, adenine pairs with uracil. This pairing follows the complementary base pairing rules, where adenine pairs with uracil instead of thymine, as in DNA.

What base is found DNA but not in RNA?


What nitrogen base in RNA is not part of DNA?

uracil is in rna not in DNA

How does RNA polymerase use DNA?

RNA polymerase reads the DNA template and synthesizes a complementary RNA strand by linking together RNA nucleotides according to the base pairing rules. RNA polymerase moves along the DNA strand in the 3' to 5' direction, synthesizing the RNA transcript in the 5' to 3' direction.

What is the nitrogen base in RNA that is not found in DNA?

Uracil is in RNA and Thyramine is in DNA, the other nitrogen bases are the same In RNA Adenine is complementary to Uracil and Guanine is complementary to cytocine In DNA Adenine is complementarty to Tyramine and Guanine is complentary to cytocine

What nucleotide base in DNA is replaced by a base in RNA?

In DNA thymine is one of the nitrogen bases, but in RNA uracil replaces thymine still leaving four nitrogen bases