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Here are a few advantages and disadvantages to using a nuclear reactor


  • Nuclear fuel will last longer inside the reactor.
  • Power output is significantly higher then any other fossil fuel power plant.
  • Little Co2 is produced throughout the whole life of a nuclear reactor, compared to a coal power plant.
  • Is safe providing a nuclear power plant follows safety procedures.


  • Very expensive to build.
  • Digging for Uranium is expensive and we have a limited source of it.
  • Uranium must be enriched before it can be used inside a nuclear reactor which uses more energy to do and costs more money to prepare it.
  • Nuclear waste must be disposed of safely and must be guaranteed that none of it will leak throughout its long lifetime(1000 years +).
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1mo ago

Advantages of nuclear reactors include their ability to generate large amounts of energy with minimal greenhouse gas emissions and their reliability in providing continuous power. However, they also pose risks such as potential radioactive releases, nuclear accidents, and long-term storage of radioactive waste. Additionally, the high initial costs of construction and concerns about nuclear proliferation can be disadvantages.

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13y ago

Pro: Clean energy. It does not produce any greenhouse gas or smog. Con: There is not yet a 100% safe way to store the nuclear waste created.

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