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IF there were to be a general warming, then a major effect would follow from the increased quantity of water vapour in the atmosphere. This process is an energy intensive one, so the extremes of weather patterns must be expected to become even more extreme.

The melting of the polar ice would also have a big effect. About 4% of the world's water is locked up in the polar ice. The average depth of the oceans is about 4 000 m. So if the ice all melted, the oceans would be expected to rise about 4%, = 160m. However, any increase in the level wold be accompanied by some flooding of low lying lands. The oceans occupy about 70% of the surface, so the max sea level rise would be about 80m or so.

It will take a long time for these effect to fully develop. Many folk who live inland will have beach front land!

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12y ago
  • Crop yields are expected to decrease for all major world crops.
  • Agricultural land on the edge of deserts becomes unusable, through the process of desertification.
  • Crops could be wiped out in low-lying areas that suffer from flooding. With less crops available on the world market, prices are likely to increase.
  • The growing season in some areas will increase. This is a benefit to places such as the UK as more crops could be grown.
Sea level changes
  • Coastal land is at risk, especially land on deltas.
  • Sea defences are under more stress.
  • Low-lying land is threatened so the lives of 80 million people across the globe are threatened.
Water and ice
  • More mass movement can occur as glaciers melt.
  • Communities that use the melt water from glaciers may see this supply decrease. This is especially the case in Asia.
  • Economies that rely on skiing as a form of income may suffer as the skiing season is reduced or disappears through lack of snow.
  • Locations suffering from water stress will increase in number.
  • Less fresh water will be available in coastal areas as it will mix with sea water, which is salty.
  • People will migrate from areas suffering drought. Any that remain will be in danger of dying from starvation and lack of water.
  • 17 million people in Bangladesh alone will be threatened by flooding.
  • As the world population increases, more people will be living in cities located on the coast. More people will be affected by coastal flooding as a result.
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11y ago

melting ice caps

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Q: What are the Effects caused by climate change?
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can someone pls answer this for me

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