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There are three major gases in the air we breathe assuming that we are at sea level or at least not standing on top of a mountain. Nitrogen accounts for 79.01%, Carbon Dioxide accounts for 0.04% and Oxygen accounts for 20.95%. When we breathe out the balance is Nitrogen at 74.5%, Carbon Dioxide at 3.6% and Oxygen is 15.7%. Also water vapour is present at 6.2%. You can see why it is possible to give artificial respiration or mouth to mouth to a victim when our expired are contains almost 16% oxygen. This shows that we only use about 25% of the oxygen we take in at each respiration. Hope this helps.

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The five major gases in the air that is breathed are nitrogen (about 78%), oxygen (about 21%), argon (about 0.9%), carbon dioxide (about 0.04%), and trace amounts of other gases such as neon, helium, and methane.

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Q: What are the 5 major gases in the air that is breathed?
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What kind of graph can show the gases that make up your air?

A pie chart or a bar graph can be used to show the composition of gases in the air. These graphs can visually represent the proportions of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases in the atmosphere.

What is the 5 components of air condition?

Most air conditioning systems contain 5 major components. These are the evaporator, compressor and condenser, and either a receiver/drier and expansion valve, or an accumulator and orifice tube.

What are the properties of air?

The properties of air are:1.Taste2.Weight3.Colour4.Air mass5.Density6.PressureDone by:Humayoon Mohiuddinactually it only has 5 these are the correct properties:air is fukedThe Properties of air is 1.Air Has Weight2.Air Has Pressure3.Air can be Compressed4.Air Takes up Space5.Air Has Temperature

What are the 5 types of gases in air and its explanation?

The five main gases in air are nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.04%), and trace gases (such as neon, helium, methane, krypton, and hydrogen). Nitrogen provides inertness, oxygen sustains life through respiration, argon helps stabilize temperature and pressure, carbon dioxide supports plant photosynthesis, and trace gases have various roles in atmospheric chemistry.

Can you give at least 5 example of a gas solution?

Sure! Some examples of gas solutions include air (a mixture of gases such as oxygen and nitrogen), carbonated water (carbon dioxide gas dissolved in water), natural gas (methane and other gases dissolved in a liquid), hydrogen gas dissolved in water, and oxygen gas dissolved in water.

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The five major kinds of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. These pollutants can have negative impacts on human health, ecosystems, and overall environmental quality.

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Sound can travel through air, water, solids (such as metal or wood), liquids, and gases.

What are 5 examples of gases found at home?

5 examples of gases found in the normal home environment include; oxygen (air), nitrogen (most abundant element found in the air), carbon dioxide (air and the bubbles in fizzy drinks), argon in air and finally, methane if there is a gas supply, or propane or butane in fuel gas bottles. Carbon monoxide and SO2. are present in polluted air. You might have helium in a balloon.

What gases are exchanged in respiration?

There are 5 parts involved in respiration:1. Pulmonary ventilation or breathing.2. External respiration where air flows into the lungs and gases exchange (O2 load/ CO2 unload) and air goes out.3. Transport of respiratory gases by way of blood transport from the lungs to body cells and back to lungs.4. Internal respiration is where exchange of gases occurs at the body capillaries (O2 unload/CO2 load).5. Cellular respiration which is the use of oxygen by cells to produce energy (production of CO2).

What kind of graph can show the gases that make up your air?

A pie chart or a bar graph can be used to show the composition of gases in the air. These graphs can visually represent the proportions of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases in the atmosphere.

What 5 gases are there in a cupboard?

You would not find any gases in a cupboard other than what you would find in normal air. The gases you would find in normal are are: Nitrogen (78%) Oxygen (20%) Carbon Dioxide (0.03%) Rare Gases (Helium, Krypton, Argon, etc. 0.97%) And Water Vapour (varying amounts) These would be the five basic gases you would find in a cupboard.

What type of material is air?

Air is a mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with small amounts of other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. It is considered a gas and is essential for supporting life on Earth through the process of respiration.

What are the main gases that make up air?

Air is a well defined composition of various gases present in different proportions however, the principal components of air are: 1. Nitrogen 78 % 2. Oxygen 3. Carbon dioxide 4. Argon 5. Water vapours 6. Neon 7. Xenon 8. Krypton 9. Radon 10. Helium

What is the 5 components of air condition?

Most air conditioning systems contain 5 major components. These are the evaporator, compressor and condenser, and either a receiver/drier and expansion valve, or an accumulator and orifice tube.

How do humans activities add gases and aerosols to the atmosphere?

Human activities add gases and aerosols to the atmosphere through processes like burning fossil fuels, industrial activities, agricultural practices, and deforestation. These activities release carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gases, as well as particulate matter and aerosols, contributing to air pollution and climate change.