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There are actually 118 known elements. Not all of them are naturally occurring on earth, but all of them can be found in the Periodic Table of the elements. Here they are:


1 - H - Hydrogen

2 - He - Helium

3 - Li - Lithium

4 - Be - Beryllium

5 - B - Boron

6 - C - Carbon

7 - N - Nitrogen

8 - O - Oxygen

9 - F - Fluorine

10 - Ne - Neon

11 - Na - Sodium

12 - Mg - Magnesium

13 - Al - Aluminum

14 - Si - Silicon

15 - P - Phosphorus

16 - S - Sulfur

17 - Cl - Chlorine

18 - Ar - Argon

19 - K - Potassium

20 - Ca - Calcium

21 - Sc - Scandium

22 - Ti - Titanium

23 - V - Vanadium

24 - Cr - Chromium

25 - Mn - Manganese

26 - Fe - Iron

27 - Co - Cobalt

28 - Ni - Nickel

29 - Cu - Copper

30 - Zn - Zinc

31 - Ga - Gallium

32 - Ge - Germanium

33 - As - Arsenic

34 - Se - Selenium

35 - Br - Bromine

36 - Kr - Krypton

37 - Rb - Rubidium

38 - Sr - Strontium

39 - Y - Yttrium

40 - Zr - Zirconium

41 - Nb - Niobium

42 - Mo - Molybdenum

43 - Tc - Technetium

44 - Ru - Ruthenium

45 - Rh - Rhodium

46 - Pd - Palladium

47 - Ag - Silver

48 - Cd - Cadmium

49 - In - Indium

50 - Sn - Tin

51 - Sb - Antimony

52 - Te - Tellurium

53 - I - Iodine

54 - Xe - Xenon

55 - Cs - Cesium

56 - Ba - Barium

57 - La - Lanthanum

58 - Ce - Cerium

59 - Pr - Praseodymium

60 - Nd - Neodymium

61 - Pm - Promethium

62 - Sm - Samarium

63 - Eu - Europium

64 - Gd - Gadolinium

65 - Tb - Terbium

66 - Dy - Dysprosium

67 - Ho - Holmium

68 - Er - Erbium

69 - Tm - Thulium

70 - Yb - Ytterbium

71 - Lu - Lutetium

72 - Hf - Hafnium

73 - Ta - Tantalum

74 - W - Tungsten

75 - Re - Rhenium

76 - Os - Osmium

77 - Ir - Iridium

78 - Pt - Platinum

79 - Au - Gold

80 - Hg - Mercury

81 - Tl - Thallium

82 - Pb - Lead

83 - Bi - Bismuth

84 - Po - Polonium

85 - At - Astatine

86 - Rn - Radon

87 - Fr - Francium

88 - Ra - Radium

89 - Ac - Actinium

90 - Th - Thorium

91 - Pa - Protactinium

92 - U - Uranium

93 - Np - Neptunium

94 - Pu - Plutonium

95 - Am - Americium

96 - Cm - Curium

97 - Bk - Berkelium

98 - Cf - Californium

99 - Es - Einsteinium

100 - Fm - Fermium

101 - Md - Mendelevium

102 - No - Nobelium

103 - Lr - Lawrencium

104 - Rf - Rutherfordium

105 - Db - Dubnium

106 - Sg - Seaborgium

107 - Bh - Bohrium

108 - Hs - Hassium

109 - Mt - Meitnerium

110 - Ds - Darmstadtium

111 - Rg - Roentgenium

112 - Cn - Copernicium

113 - Uut - Ununtrium

114 - Fl - Flerovium

115 - Uup - Ununpentium

116 - Lv - Livermorium

117 - Uus - Ununseptium

118 - Uuo - Ununoctium

For a good laugh you might want to listen to The Element Song by Tom Lehrer. It includes all elements up to 102, nobelium, which is all that had been discovered at the time the song was written.

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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The 45 elements are: scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, yttrium, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold, Mercury, rutherfordium, dubnium, seaborgium, bohrium, hassium, meitnerium, darmstadtium, roentgenium, copernicium, nihonium, flerovium, moscovium, livermorium, tennessine, oganesson.

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