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The three main levels of analysis in psychology are biological, psychological, and environmental. Biological factors refer to genetics and brain chemistry, psychological factors involve thoughts and emotions, and environmental factors encompass social influences and life experiences. These levels are interconnected and contribute to understanding human behavior and mental processes.

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Q: What are the 3 Main levels of analysis in Psychlogy?
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There are three levels of analysis in social psychology (or sciences),they are : 1) Societal level of analysis 2) Individual level of analysis 3) Interpersonal level of analysis Social psychology studies the experience and behavior of individuals in relation to others individuals,group and culture. Whereas, Interpersonal levels of analysis 's focus lies on a person's current social situation.The constituents of social situation are - the other people,their attitudes, behaviors and their relationships to the individual. As you can see,both are concerned about the same point of view, hens interpersonal level of analysis more belong to social psychology.

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