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The first body plan is a Medusa bosy plan which is like a jellyfish

the one above is a medusa. the mouth it located at the bottom of the body. The appendeges are also located at the bottom.

A polyp (on the right) ,like a sea anemone, has the appendeges at the top along with the mouth. They are also attached to solid ground unlike Medusas.

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2w ago

The two basic body plans in cnidarians are polyp and medusa. Polyps are usually vase-shaped with tentacles surrounding a central mouth, while medusae are free-swimming bell-shaped animals with tentacles hanging down.

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Q: What are the 2 basic types of body plans in cniddarians?
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What are the basic types of tissue in the body?

The four basic types of tissues in the body are epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue covers and protects body surfaces, connective tissue supports and binds body parts together, muscle tissue allows for movement, and nervous tissue carries electrical impulses for communication.

What are four types of basic organic macromolecules and how are they important in the body?

The four types of basic organic macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates provide energy for the body. Lipids are necessary for storing energy and forming cell membranes. Proteins are essential for various functions in the body, including structure, enzymes, and signaling. Nucleic acids store and transmit genetic information.

What is one of the six basic types of nutrients that is an inorganic substance and becomes part of the bones soft tissues and body fluids?

One of the six basic types of nutrients that fits this description is minerals. Minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to support various physiological functions and maintain overall health. They play a crucial role in building strong bones, regulating fluid balance, and supporting various metabolic processes.

What is the connection between Hox genes and the diversity of animal body plans?

Hox genes are responsible for controlling the development of body segments in animals. Changes in the expression of Hox genes can lead to modifications in body segment patterning, leading to the diverse body plans seen in animals. Therefore, variations in Hox gene expression among different species contribute to the diversity of animal body plans.

What are the types of cells that relay information from outside and inside the body?

These cells are called the senses and they are part of the nervous system. Some are very specialized such as the eyes and some are very basic such as the ones for pressure and pain.

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im pretty sure its muscle and nerve tissue... pretty sure...

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