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The first 20 elements are Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen,Oxygen, Flourine,Neon,Sodium,Magnesium,

Aluminium,Silicon,Phosporous,Sulphur, Chlorine, Argon, Pottasium, and Calcium.

The numbers on the top right are the mass of the element.

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8mo ago

The 20 lightest elements in the Periodic Table are hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, and calcium.

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What are the lightest elements?

the lightest elements are gases and the lightest of these are hydrogen and helium.

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How can you find the lightest gas and the lightest liquid?

generally, you can look at the Periodic Table of Elements. hydrogen is the lightest of both

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What element is the lightest of all elements and is flammable gas?

Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements and is extremely flammable. It is also the most plentiful gas in the universe.

Is the lightest of all the elements?

Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements. According to the Periodic Table, its atomic weight is 1.00794 u, even lighter than helium.

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What element is the lightest of the elements?

Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements. According to the Periodic Table, its atomic weight is 1.00794 u, even lighter than helium.

What is lightest of all elements?

Paleoclimatolinium;A form of hydrogen with no protons, neutrons....... only electron and cloud is present.hydrogenHydrogen is the lightest element in the Periodic Table.See the Related Questions link for more information about hydrogen.

What is the lightest diatomic element?

The lightest diatomic element is hydrogen (H2). It has a molecular weight of approximately 2 grams per mole, which is the lightest of all the elements.

Where are the lightest elements located?

The lightest elements, such as hydrogen and helium, are located in the inner parts of stars where nuclear fusion processes occur. These elements were formed during the early stages of the universe in a process called nucleosynthesis.