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super-bugs its a infection that causes a MRSA and its usaully happen in Hospitals, because when the patients in hospital is ill the bacteria can get through the drips and easilly cause super-bug and can kill the patient. It happen one third of us.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Superbugs are bacteria that have evolved resistance to multiple antibiotics. In bioremediation, superbugs can be genetically engineered to help break down or remove contaminants in the environment, making them useful in cleaning up pollution. However, there are concerns about the unintended consequences of using superbugs, such as the possibility of spreading antibiotic resistance in the environment.

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What is the role of gibberella fusarium in bioremediation?

Gibberella fusarium is a soil fungus that is normally pathogenic but it does help to breakdown crude oil spilled in soils.

Why do bugs help to keep plants alive?

Bugs play a significant role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem for plants by assisting in pollination, breaking down organic matter into nutrients through decomposition, and controlling pest populations that can damage plants. Additionally, some bugs, like bees and butterflies, are essential pollinators for plants to reproduce and produce fruits or seeds.

Why is bacteria important?

Bacteria are important for many reasons, including their role in breaking down organic matter, recycling nutrients in ecosystems, aiding in digestion in animals, and producing substances like antibiotics and vitamins. Some bacteria can also be used in biotechnology for processes like fermentation and bioremediation.

What is economic importance of king eubacteria?

Kingdom Eubacteria, now known as Domain Bacteria, plays a crucial role in various economic aspects. They are involved in industries like pharmaceuticals, agriculture, bioremediation, and food production. Bacteria are used in the production of antibiotics, biodegradation of pollutants, and as probiotics in livestock and agriculture. Their impact on human health, industry, and the environment make them economically important.

Beneficial effects of protozoa?

Protozoa play a crucial role in the ecosystem as they contribute to nutrient cycling, decompose organic matter, and serve as food for other organisms. Some protozoa also form symbiotic relationships with plants, helping in nutrient uptake and enhancing plant growth. Additionally, certain protozoa are used in bioremediation to clean up pollutants in the environment.

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