

What are submarine plateaus?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What are submarine plateaus?
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Is a plateaus pointy?

a plateaus is not pointy

Are there plateaus in Utah?

yes, there are plateaus in Utah.

Which has a higher elevation plains or plateaus?


Which has a higher elevation-plains or plateaus?


Are plateaus deserts?

Some plateaus are deserts, some are not.

When was A Thousand Plateaus created?

A Thousand Plateaus was created in 1980.

What to write in conclusion for a project on plateaus?

In conclusion,plateaus are flat

What type of clothes do people in plateaus wear?

You should not this question to me instead to the people who live on the plateaus........

Does US have plateaus?

Yes! there are some plateaus near rocky mountians.

Does Ireland have plateaus?

there are no large plateaus in Ireland. Parts of Antrim, south-west Limerick and east Kerry might be regarded as plateaus, but they are very small.

Are there any plateaus in Argentina?

yes there is some plateaus in Argentina! Southern Agentina