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Q: What are some synthetic things?
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What are 2 synthetic materials?

Generally speaking synthetic materials are man made and do not occur in nature. Example are plastics certain alloys etc. There are some things that can be both synthetic and natural such as some drugs and chemicals

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What is a synthetic resource?

A synthetic resource is a type of resource that is created artificially through some form of human intervention or processing. This can include things like synthetic fabrics, synthetic fuels, or synthetic chemicals that are produced in a laboratory setting rather than being naturally occurring.

What is the difference between synthetic and natural?

Synthetic refers to something that is man-made or artificially created, while natural refers to something that occurs in nature without human intervention. Synthetic products are often created using chemicals or industrial processes, while natural products are derived from plants, animals, or minerals.

How are natural fiber are different from synthetic?

synthetic fibre = man maid products natural fibre = things that are made from nature

Is Easter egg dye synthetic or natural?

some is synthetic some is natural just depends what kind you buy

How are synthetic fiber different from natural fiber?

synthetic fibre = man maid products natural fibre = things that are made from nature

How do you use synthetic in a sentence?

Synthetic oil works better in some engines than does petroleum-based oil. Nylon is synthetic.

Is their nasty things in gum?

if you consider synthetic rubber nasty, then yes.

What Things not made of plants?

Some things not made of plants include plastic, metal, glass, and synthetic fibers. These materials are typically produced from non-plant sources such as petroleum, minerals, or chemical compounds.

What therapy is used to treat multiple sclerosis hepatitis c and some cancers?

Synthetic interferonsynthetic interferon

Is it valid to be concerned about synthetic flavorings in food?

This is a touchy subject among the health/food giants. It really depends on how synthetic the flavoring is and how sensitive you are to synthetic ingredients. If you think about it, things can only be synthetic to a certain degree, so most of them are probably not too bad. Of course, if you are concerned about it, I recommend starting to make things more from scratch or buy all natural things at the grocery store. Whereas organics will cost you more, baking bread and things from scratch at home will actually save you money!