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A wide variety of plants species can be found on the tundra. Most of them tend to grow low to the ground to avoid high winds. Common types of tundra plants are Bearberry, Arctic moss, Caribou moss, Diamond Leaf Willow, Labrador Tea, Pasque Flower, and the Tufted Saxifrage. Lichens and mosses are important, particularly in the harshest climates. Animals in the tundra eat these plants to survive, gain energy, and to stay warm. Some plants are hairy to stay warm in the Tundra's climate.

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12y ago
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4mo ago

Some of the plants that can be found in Greenland include Arctic willow, cotton grass, saxifrage, and mosses. As for animals, common species in Greenland include musk oxen, Arctic foxes, reindeer, hares, ptarmigans, and various seabirds such as puffins and guillemots.

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14y ago

Its Tundra and it is a treeless plain and known for the very cold temperatures, frost molded landscapes. But the Tundra is split in two different sections; Arctic and Alpine. The arctic tundra has low shrubs, grasses, 400 varieties of flowers, and moss. For animals that live there, there are lemmings, fox's, squirrels, polar bears, wolves, loons, ravens, sandpipers, and insects like mosquitoes, moths, and grasshoppers.

The alpine has a lot less of a habitat, for plants there are tussock grasses, dwarf trees, small-leafed shrubs, and heaths. For animals there are sheep, elk, marmots, and pikas.

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14y ago

Some plants found in the Tundra are reindeer or caribou moss, dwarf willows, and lichens. Some herbivores are snowshoe hare, dall sheep, squirrels, ox, caribou or reindeers, and lemmings. Some of the carnivores are arctic foxes, lynk, the grey wolf, snow owls, Northern Goshawk, Harrier, Bald Eagles, and Rouch legged hawks.

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14y ago

corn wheat rice are some of the plants in greenland

whales,seals and reindeer.

moskus, shrimps, crabs and all kinds of sea food.

polar bears and eagles

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13y ago

cats, dogs, hens, cows, sheep's, plants, mice, and foxes

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Q: What plants and animals live in Greenland?
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Why is a desert an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a place where plants and animals ( maybe humans ) live and animals and plants live in the desert so … 

Most plants and animals require food and oxygen to live. Plants and animals primarily use the oxygen to convert their food into?


Where on earth do bacteria lives?

Bacteria live in and on animals, humans and plants.

What are some animals that live in the ocean and eat both plants and animals?

i think krill eat plants in the ocean

How could wolves not be able to live in an ecosystem that didn't have plants?

A wolf does not need plants to survive. It needs to be able to hunt small animals for food. A good example of a wolf that lives in an ecosystem without plants is the Arctic white wolf. They live on the tundra and hunt the small animals that live there.

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Do animals live in Greenland?


What plants live in greenland?

none that I know of

What native plants and animals live in Greenland?

Greenland is a large island in the northern Atlantic Ocean that is administrated by Denmark. Native animals in Greenland include: crowberries, dwarf willows, reindeer, musk ox and Arctic wolf.

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Why is a desert an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a place where plants and animals ( maybe humans ) live and animals and plants live in the desert so … 

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