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Wasps, wasps lay there eggs in a living animal, and the babies eat the animal from the inside out

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Some common examples of parasite insects include fleas, bedbugs, lice, and ticks. These insects rely on other organisms to feed and reproduce, often causing harm or discomfort to their hosts. Infestations of these parasites can lead to skin irritation, disease transmission, and other health issues in both humans and animals.

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What is the taxonomic classification of a parasite?

It depends on the parasite. Some parasites are insects, some parasites are plants, some are just depends on the type of parasite you mean.

What does a parasite eat?

it eats insects

What insects is a parasite?

Ticks are parasites.

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What insects carry the malaria parasite?

Female Anopheles mosquitoes are the primary insects that carry and transmit the malaria parasite. When an infected mosquito bites a human, it can pass the parasite through its saliva into the person's bloodstream, leading to malaria infection.

Where do parasitic plants grow on?

Parasitic plants grow on the roots, stems, or leaves of other plants from which they obtain water and nutrients. They use specialized structures called haustoria to penetrate the host plant and extract what they need to survive.

Why is parasite control practiced on livestock farms?

Parasite control is important on livestock farms to prevent diseases and maintain animal health. Parasites can cause significant economic losses, reduce productivity, and lead to poor growth and reproduction in livestock. Implementing parasite control measures helps ensure the welfare of the animals and the sustainability of the farm operation.

What insects spread parasite when it drinks blood?

The only one I know of is the Anopheles mosquito. There may be more.

Which insects carries the malarial parasite?

The female anopheles mosquitoes carry malarial parasites.

Do parasites eat insects if yes which parasite eats maximum insects?

There are many paristes that attack insects from many orders such as Flies, Wasps and Stylopids just to name a few. Catterpilars are one of mayny insects commonly attacked but many parasites are host specific.

Will the zombies ever come someday?

There is already a parasite that infects small insects, like ants, and makes them into zombies. It completely alters the insects personality, body, and drive, and eventually infects other species of insects it comes across.

Name some insects which are pests?

Most people would consider a mosquito to be the biggest insect pest. Others may consider: the cockroach, a flea and a tick (which are more parasite than insects) a termite, and the little bugs that fly around your lantern when you go camping. I hate those! lol.