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Q: What are some of the advantages of the present system which dose not limit these terms what are some disadvantages?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of the all or none characteristics of the action potential?

Advantages: Ensures swift and consistent signaling along the neuron. Helps prevent signal degradation over long distances. Allows for precise communication between neurons. Disadvantages: Lack of gradation in signal intensity can limit information processing capabilities. Requires a certain threshold to be reached before activation, which can introduce delays in transmission.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a development compass rose used by geologist to think more quesions?

Advantages: It helps geologists systematically explore different aspects of a problem, encourages a comprehensive approach to problem-solving, and assists in identifying potential gaps in their understanding. Disadvantages: It may limit creative thinking or exploration outside the structured approach, could be time-consuming to use for every problem, and may not suit all types of geological inquiries.

Advantages and disadvantages of uv spectroscopy?

Advantages: UV spectroscopy is a fast and sensitive technique for quantitative analysis of substances that absorb UV light. It is non-destructive, requires minimal sample preparation, and can provide information on a compound's structure based on its absorption pattern. Disadvantages: UV spectroscopy has limitations in terms of low specificity, as many compounds can absorb UV light, leading to potential interferences. It may also not be suitable for compounds that do not absorb in the UV range or when dealing with complex mixtures where multiple components absorb at similar wavelengths.

What are the disadvantages of a homogeneous society?

Some disadvantages of a homogeneous society include lack of diversity in perspectives and experiences, potential for discrimination against minority groups, and limited opportunities for cultural exchange and innovation. A lack of diversity can also hinder social progress and limit the ability to adapt to changing global trends.

What is the definition of limit test for inorganic compound?

A limit test for an inorganic compound is a qualitative or quantitative test performed to determine the presence or absence of a specific impurity in a substance within a certain acceptable limit. It helps ensure that the substance meets purity requirements and is safe for its intended use. These tests are typically carried out using specific methodologies and reference standards.

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Advantages of centralized system over centralised system?

The advantages to education system centralization are unified and standardized curricula. The disadvantages are creating one-size fits all approaches and undermining the academic freedom of teachers, instructors and administrators which can limit their ability to serve the needs of their local communities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of RF module?

Greater efficiency, and the ability to remove signal variations and noise are just a few of the advantages of RF modules. Disadvantages include the need for filters to limit bandwidth and lower spectral efficiency.

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Some advantages of tree network topology include easy to set up and extend. It is also inexpensive. Its disadvantages, on the other hand, include limit on central cable length and number of nodes.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the limit the twenty second amendment places on the number of terms that a president can serve in office?

I do not really know that is why I am asking

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Two advantages according to CON supporters are: 1. Limit healthcare spending 2. Valuable impact on the quality of care Two Disadvantages: 1. Not consistently administered 2. Too much political influence

What are the disadvantages of protease in the digestive system?

It could limit the amount of food you can eat at one time.

What are advantages and disadvantages of risk management?

The advantage of risk management is that it reduces the possibility large losses for a business. The disadvantage is that it can limit the amount of gains that can be acquired.

What might be some advantages and disadvantages of the policies that limit economic development and water use in and around estuaries and wetlands?

Our economy will have less water to drink

What is advantages of mykey system?

for safety to not break the speed limit and to have your seat belts buckled before setting off.

What are the advantages disadvantages of concentric tube heat exchanger?

Advantages: Simplicity of design; Easy to clean and maintain; ideal for fluids that cause fouling. Disadvantages: Length cannot be extended beyond a limit Rate of heat transfer is low + high cost when considering amt of heat transfer. Heat looses occur from the outer shell.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of filipino values?

Advantages of Filipino values include strong family ties, respect for elders, and a sense of bayanihan or community cooperation. These values contribute to a close-knit society and a supportive community. Disadvantages may include a tendency towards conformity, which can limit individuality, and sometimes a resistance to change or new ideas.

What are the advantages and disadvanges of closed open guestions?

Advantages of closed questions: 1. Provide specific, concise information 2. Easy to answer and analyze Disadvantages of closed questions: 1. Limit depth of response 2. May not capture nuances or complexities