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  • Baragwanathia (Species into the Devonian)
  • Cooksonia
  • Rhynia
  • Tortilicaulis (straddles Silurian-Devonian boundary) Devonian
  • Archaeopteris (one species into the Carboniferous)
  • Drepanophycus
  • Protosalvinia
  • Psilophyton
  • Sphenophyllum
  • Wattieza
  • Annularia
  • Sigillaria
  • Lepidodendron
  • Calamites
  • Sphenophyllum
  • Cordaites
  • Glossopteris
  • Sphenophyllum - provided by copied by dono splingy =)
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12y ago
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1mo ago
  1. Dodo bird
  2. Passenger pigeon
  3. Tasmanian tiger (thylacine)
  4. Woolly mammoth
  5. Quagga (zebra subspecies)
  6. Western black rhinoceros
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10y ago

There are many plants and animals that are extinct. Six extinct plants and are: Mason River Myrtle, Hawaii Ruta Tree, Dodo Bird, Bali Tiger, Western Black Rhino and Saber-tooth Cat.

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Q: What are some examples of animals and plants that are extinct List 6 names?
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Which animals are exitincted?

Millions of animals have been extinct even scientist don't know the number of animals have been extinct, or the names of animals have been extinct.

What are names of extinct animals?

A dodo is extinct. Dinosaurs, labrador duck.

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The term you are looking for is "Lazarus taxon." It refers to a species that was thought to be extinct and then rediscovered alive after a period of time.

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They knew some of the plants and animals names

Do i get150 scientific names of plants and animals?

On google just look up scientific names for plants and animals it works just try it.

Scientific names of plants and animals?

For animals: organism

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Adam, a man God created named all of the animals and plants

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What are the names of the some extinct animals in the Sahara desert?

I believe that the dodo bird is one of them. Not completely sure though.