There are many plants, although you must remember they produce runners as well as flowers and seeds to reproduce, although in most the runner is the dominant form of reproduction:
Examples are:
Strawberry plants
Ivy (although it is a climber it will root where it touches the soil)
Plants roots that are above ground are called aerial roots. Examples are some types of orchids, mangroves, and banyon trees.
Surface plants are plants that grow predominantly above ground level, such as grasses, shrubs, and trees. These plants play a key role in providing oxygen, food, and shelter for various organisms in terrestrial ecosystems.
Shoots are above-ground structures of plants that consist of stems, leaves, and reproductive organs. Examples of shoot systems include the main stem of a tree, flower stalks, and runners or stolons of plants like strawberries. Shoots play a vital role in photosynthesis, support, and reproduction in plants.
Above ground system in plants consists of stem, leaves and flowers.
Plants can be woody-stemmed such as shrubs and trees. Or they can be herbaceous, or herblike, in their stems. A woody's above-ground parts go dormant each year, but don't die. All or most of herbaceous plant above-ground parts die each year. It's all if the plant's an annual, and lives just one year. It's most if the plant's biennial or perennial, and lives more than one year. Examples of herbaceous plants are ferns, flowers, grasses, herbs, vegetables, and weeds.
Plants roots that are above ground are called aerial roots. Examples are some types of orchids, mangroves, and banyon trees.
Surface plants are plants that grow predominantly above ground level, such as grasses, shrubs, and trees. These plants play a key role in providing oxygen, food, and shelter for various organisms in terrestrial ecosystems.
its their way of growing
Above-ground pools can be bought at several online retailers. Examples of these retailers include Leslie's and Walmart. A used above-ground pool can also be found at eBay.
Shoots are above-ground structures of plants that consist of stems, leaves, and reproductive organs. Examples of shoot systems include the main stem of a tree, flower stalks, and runners or stolons of plants like strawberries. Shoots play a vital role in photosynthesis, support, and reproduction in plants.
Water plants
in plants, epicotyl is grow above the ground(monocot) while hypocotyl grow under the ground.
Epiphytes are plants that grow above the ground using other plants or objects as support or platforms to grow from. They are not parasite plants. There are thousands of these plants all over the world.
Tomatoes are fruit which develop at the base of flowers on tomato plants, this occurs above ground level.
Examples of aerial stems include tree trunks, bamboo stalks, and stems of climbing plants like vines. These stems grow vertically above the ground and provide structural support for the plant as well as space for leaf attachment and nutrient transport.
Above ground system in plants consists of stem, leaves and flowers.