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Today was my first day of school, I'm a sophmore, and our teacher gave us this question! His example was CSI. There are many different varities to choose from! How about Harry Potter, Batman, or Spiderman! Many celebrities have silver and gold jewelery, which are also elements!

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1mo ago
  1. Breaking Bad: The chemical reactions and processes depicted in the show are generally accurate, but there are some instances of artistic license.
  2. The Big Bang Theory: The show includes accurate scientific concepts and references, but exaggerates them for comedic effect.
  3. The Martian: The book and movie accurately depict chemistry and physics principles involved in space travel and survival on Mars, with some creative liberties taken for storytelling purposes.
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15y ago

make soap from fat by adding NaOH to cooking oil

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Q: What are some chemistry references in pop culture such as movies or television that can be proved or disproved for an AP Chemistry project?
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How did Antoine Lavoisier change science?

Antoine Lavoisier is known as the "Father of Modern Chemistry" for transforming chemistry from a qualitative science into a quantitative one. He established the law of conservation of mass, identified and named oxygen and hydrogen, and helped develop the metric system. Lavoisier's work laid the foundation for the end of alchemy and the development of modern chemistry.

Why we should do experiments in chemistry?

When scientists perform experiments they don't just do it for reason, they do it to collect evidence to disprove or prove a hypothesis, which is basically a scientific statement that can be proved/disproved. If a hypothesis is proved, generally further tests are conducted around it to build up evidence that can eventually turn it into a theory.

Which of Dalton's postulates can be disproved today?

Dalton's postulate that atoms are indivisible has been disproved with the discovery of subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons. Additionally, his postulate that all atoms of the same element are identical has been disproved with the existence of isotopes.

How did Antoine lavoisier disprove the phlogiston theory?

Antoine Lavoisier disproved the phlogiston theory by experimenting with combustion reactions and showing that burning substances gained weight instead of losing it. He demonstrated that oxygen is an essential component of combustion, not phlogiston as proposed by the theory. Lavoisier's precise measurements and meticulous approach to experimental evidence played a crucial role in discrediting the phlogiston theory and establishing the foundation for modern chemistry.

The Hershey-Chase experiment disproved which of these molecule groups as the physical carrier of inheritance?

The Hershey-Chase experiment disproved proteins as the physical carrier of inheritance and instead provided evidence that DNA is the primary molecule responsible for transmitting genetic information.

Related questions

How did Antoine Lavoisier change science?

Antoine Lavoisier is known as the "Father of Modern Chemistry" for transforming chemistry from a qualitative science into a quantitative one. He established the law of conservation of mass, identified and named oxygen and hydrogen, and helped develop the metric system. Lavoisier's work laid the foundation for the end of alchemy and the development of modern chemistry.

What is the first organic compound to be synthesized in lab?

The first organic compound to be synthesized in a lab was urea by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828. This marked a significant milestone in chemistry as it disproved the idea of vitalism, which proposed that organic compounds could only be produced by living organisms.

What was important about Friedrich Wöhler discovery?

Friedrich Wöhler's discovery of synthesizing urea from ammonium cyanate in 1828 is significant because it disproved the theory of vitalism, which held that organic compounds could only be produced by living organisms. This marked the beginning of organic chemistry and laid the foundation for the field of biochemistry.

What is a example of the practical pursuit of alchemy?

The modern science of Chemistry and the establishment of the atomic model of matter? There probably is no practical use of pursuing disproved, disgarded alchemy hypotheses.

Give the branches of chemistry and define each?

organic chemistry- the study of carbon and its compounds inorganic chemistry-the study of all the properties and characteristics of other elements. analytical chemistry-the analysis and identification of substance physical chemistry-the study of laws and principles govering physical and chemical changes biochemistry-the study of materials found in living organism

Why we should do experiments in chemistry?

When scientists perform experiments they don't just do it for reason, they do it to collect evidence to disprove or prove a hypothesis, which is basically a scientific statement that can be proved/disproved. If a hypothesis is proved, generally further tests are conducted around it to build up evidence that can eventually turn it into a theory.

Did someone win the Nobel prize for disproving evolution?

No, the Nobel Prize is not awarded for disproving scientific theories such as evolution. The Nobel Prizes are generally awarded for advancements in various fields such as chemistry, medicine, physics, literature, and peace.

Who disproved geocentric theory?

Claudius Ptolemy disproved geocentric theory.

Who disproved the vital theory?

vital theory was disproved by mr shianrilong reamei

How your sundail either proved or disproved pur hypothesis?

How your sundail either proved or disproved your hypothesis

What two people disproved evolution?

The Darwinian model of evolution by natural selection has not been disproved.

Testable problem that can be proved or disproved?

A hypothesis is a testable problem that can be proved or disproved.