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Q: What are some benefits of mount nyiragongo?
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When did mount Nyiragongo erupt?

Mount Nyiragongo erupted on the 21 January 2002 in the Democratic republic of Congo.

What country state and city is mount nyiragongo located?

what country state and city is mount nyiragongo volcano located

What continent is mount nyiragongo on?


How did Mount Nyiragongo get its name?

Mount Nyiragongo got its name from the local indigenous people who live in the area surrounding the volcano. The name "Nyiragongo" is believed to come from a Rukiga word, which means "the cooking pot." This name likely refers to the boiling lava that can be seen in the volcano's crater.

What continent is Mount Nyiragongo located?

Mount Nyiragongo is located in Africa, specifically in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

What was the cause of mount nyiragongo erupt?

it erupted

When Was Mount Nyiragongo's last eruption?

its ongoing

How tall is Mount Nyiragongo?

Mount Nyiragongo, an active stratovolcano located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, stands at 3,470 meters (11,384 feet) high. Its steep slopes and lava lake make it one of the most renowned and dangerous volcanoes in the world.

What shape is mount nyiragongo?

Mount Nyiragongo is a stratovolcano, which is a conical volcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash.

What was the cause of the 2002 eruption of Mount Nyiragongo?

Mount Nyiragongo is a volcano located in the African nation the Democratic Republic of Congo. It exploded in 2002 as a result of the tectonic spreading of the Kivu rift.

How many people were killed when mount Nyiragongo erupt in 2002?

About 147 people died when Mount Nyiragongo erupted in 2002. They victims died of asphyxiation from the large quantities of carbon dioxide in the air.

Is mount nyiragongo a shield volcano?

No, Mount Nyiragongo is a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. It is characterized by its steep-sided cone shape and explosive eruptions due to the presence of viscous magma.