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Q: What are small and irregularly shaped heavenly bodies made up of gas dust and ice particles are called?
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What is a heavenly bodie?

stars are called heavenly bodies

What is a group of heavenly called?

A group of heavenly bodies is called a solar system. Heavenly bodies are the stars, planets, comets, asteroids, and moons of a solar system.

What is called the science of the nature of heavenly bodies?


The heavenly bodies that move around the planets are called?

Satellite are the heavenly bodies which move around the planets and mine werid account answered by: Nishantak Panigrahi

What does shadow cast by heavenly bodies is called?

When the shadow is cast on another object it is called an eclipse.

What do you call a place where a working model of planets and other heavenly bodies are kept?

A place where a working model of planets and other heavenly bodies are kept is called an observatory or a planetarium.

Who believes the movements of heavenly bodies affect human events?

I believe they're called astrologers. Alternatively, idiots.

What is method of collecting information about heavenly bodies without being in direct contact called?

ogling, voyeurism, etc.

What is something interesting about nick Copernicus?

Nicolaus Copernicus studied mathmatics, astronomy, Latin, and published a book called "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies."

What force keeps all the planets and all the other heavenly bodies in their place?

The force responsible for keeping planets and other heavenly bodies in their place is gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that causes objects with mass to be attracted to each other. This gravitational force between celestial bodies keeps them in orbits around each other.

What are irregularly shaped underground magma formation that have hardened called?


What are the small bits of weathered rock that settle to the bottom of bodies of water?

Those are called sediment or sediment particles. Sediment can consist of various sizes of weathered rocks, minerals, and organic matter that settle at the bottom of bodies of water over time.