- increased sweating
- cold, pale skin (due to vasoconstriction)
- pupillary dilation
- jitteriness (muscular innervation)
- increased heart rate
- increased blood pressure
The noun form of nervous is "nervousness."
People cry of nervousness because they are insecure and emotionally unstable.
The noun form of the word "nervous" is "nervousness."
The noun 'nervousness' is a commonnoun, a general word for any form of nervousness.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.
The noun form for the adjective nervous is nervousness.
noticeable signs: sweating, heavy breathing, tensity, nervousness, vomiting, irritable.
Calmly, take my time to answer questions asked, no signs of nervousness, make it more like a conversation rather than question & answer.confident of what i answer.
Hes paranoid Doesnt look you in the eyes Shaking Nervousness or you could just be a dumba$$ and screw up a relationship
You should talk to your doctor about your nervousness. This is especially true if your nervousness is getting in the way of your everyday life or your job.
The noun form of nervous is "nervousness."
It's nervousness that helps you achieve good results
As a psychopath, he didn't never showed emotions. He was always calm and did't show signs of feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions.
The Boy With The Perpetual Nervousness was created in 1980.
My nervousness when I go to the dentist always puts my stomach in knots.
People cry of nervousness because they are insecure and emotionally unstable.
He Shows Signs Of Nervousness, And Tries Very Hard Not To Make A Fool Out Of Himself In Front Of Her And Her Friends, So She Doesn't Get Embarrassed If She Starts Dating Him.
A Contagious Nervousness - 1908 was released on: USA: April 1908