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Scientists can't stop it melting.

All they can do, is study what is happening and advise everyone else of any actions society as a whole could or should take co-operatively to ameliorate any accelerating effect Man may be having on the process.

So while scientists cannot "stop melting ice" they can advise us on what to do for the best - which is finding genuine alternatives to fossil-fuelled electricity generation and to materials sourced from the raw fuel-stock, and finding more sustainable ways for humanity generally.

Basically scientists can only advise us on how to cope with the situation and how to reduce the damage we are doing.

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1mo ago

Scientists are studying the causes of melting ice, such as climate change and human activities, to develop strategies to mitigate its effects. They are promoting actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, advocating for policies to protect ice habitats, and researching technologies to restore ice formation and slow down the melting process.

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By keeping it cold.

How do you stop melting ice?

By keeping it cold.

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There is no indication that they will stop melting (technically, they really wouldn't stop even if the earth weren't warming). Much of the area of the ice caps has been observed to be accelerating in melt, in fact.

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To stop ice from melting, you can reduce its exposure to heat by keeping it in a well-insulated container or adding more ice to maintain its cold temperature. You could also use ice packs or place the ice in a cooler with insulating material to slow down the melting process.

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* * == == * * == ==

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The Arctic ice is melting because of global warming. The only way to stop it is to stop global warming. That will not be easy, and many countries are not very serious about it, being more concerned with the short term view of the next election. I can relate four ways the Arctic Ice is disintegrating but none on how to Stop It!