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Silviculturist =Silvics involves understanding how trees grow, reproduce, and respond to environmental changes.

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Q: What are scientist called that study nature preserves or state forest?
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What are the scientist called when they study nature?

Scientists who study nature are called naturalists. They observe, document, and analyze the natural world to better understand its processes and interactions.

What are all preserves in South Dakota?

There are many different kinds of preserves in South Dakota: Preserves (as in Jams and Jellies) Historical Preserves Nature Preserves Private Shooting Preserves Pheasant Preserves Commercial Hunting Preserves Fishing Preserves Goose Hunting Preserves

How many nature preserves are in Atlanta?

Type your answer here..there are 54

How rain-forest plays important role in human life?

rainforest preserves nature it provides us witt a big amount of rainfall it also contains too much species of insects which are rare elsewhere

What are some interesting places to see in Kenya?

Nature Preserves Parks,I believe. You may be able to find the answer one GOOGLE(: -ANNiE(: Nature Preserves Parks,I believe. You may be able to find the answer one GOOGLE(: -ANNiE(:

How many African Elephants live in nature preserves?

It is estimated that around 415,000 African elephants live in nature preserves, national parks, and other protected areas across their range in Africa. However, these numbers can fluctuate due to poaching and habitat loss.

How do scientist studied nature?

THEY CONTRIBUTE with nature.

When was Bururi Forest Nature Reserve created?

Bururi Forest Nature Reserve was created in 1951.

What are some reason why the number and size of nature preserve are limited?

Some reasons why the number and size of nature preserves are limited include competition with human development, economic pressures favoring land use for other purposes, lack of funding for acquiring and maintaining preserves, and challenges in balancing conservation goals with other societal needs. Additionally, political will and public support can also influence the establishment and expansion of nature preserves.

What is the nature of the job scientist?

The nature of a scientist is to figure out answers to problems, help find cures for diseases, and so on.

Are there any reserves or protected aras in the decidudous forest?

Yes, there are several reserves and protected areas in deciduous forests around the world. These areas are typically designated to conserve the biodiversity and ecosystems found within the forest, as well as to protect endangered species and natural resources. Examples include national parks, wildlife reserves, and nature sanctuaries.

What is the person who uses observations and clear reasoning to understand the processes and patterns in nature called?

That person is called a scientist. Scientists use observations and reasoning to study and understand the processes and patterns in nature.