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They are mechanically formed sedimentary rocks, such as Sandstone and Conglomerate.

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2w ago

Some examples of clastic sedimentary rocks include sandstone, conglomerate, shale, and breccia. These rocks are formed from the accumulation of fragments of pre-existing rocks and minerals, which are then compacted and cemented together over time.

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Q: What are rock groups that are classified as clastic sedimentary rocks?
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What are rocks that form from fragmental classified as?

Rocks that form from fragmental material are classified as sedimentary rocks. Examples include sandstone, shale, and conglomerate. These rocks are composed of fragments of pre-existing rocks or minerals that have been lithified through processes like compaction and cementation.

How do geologist classify sedimentary rocks?

They are classified as clastic or non-clastic. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from rock particles of various sizes. Non-clastic rocks are formed from precipitation of minerals out of solution or by the lithification of organic matter.

What are the types of clastic rocks?

Clastic Sedimentary rocks can be classified on the basis of grain size as: 1. Rudaceous 2. Arenaceous 3. Argillaceous

Are sedimentary rocks classified tofoliated sedimentary rocks?

No, sedimentary rocks are not classified as foliated. Foliation is a textural feature found in certain types of metamorphic rocks where minerals are aligned in layers or bands due to pressure and heat. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation and cementation of sediments and do not exhibit foliation.

How are sedimentary rocks classified?

Sedimentary rocks are classified based on their mineral composition, grain size, texture, and the way they were formed. The three main types of sedimentary rocks are clastic, chemical, and organic. Clastic rocks are made up of broken fragments of other rocks, chemical rocks form from precipitation of minerals from water, and organic rocks are formed from the accumulation of plant and animal remains.

What class of sedimentary rocks is made of fragments of rock minerals and shells?

The class of sedimentary rocks made of fragments of rock minerals and shells is known as clastic sedimentary rocks. These rocks form from the accumulation and lithification of sediments such as sand, silt, clay, and sometimes organic material. Examples include sandstone, shale, and conglomerate.

What is it called When a rock is formed from fragments if other rocks?

The resulting sedimentary rock is classified as clastic.

How is sedimatary rocks classified?

Sedimentary rocks are classified based on their grain size, composition, and texture. Grain size categories include coarse, medium, and fine-grained sediments. Composition categories include clastic (made of broken fragments), chemical (formed from dissolved minerals), and organic (derived from living organisms). Texture categories include clastic (particles are cemented together), crystalline (formed from crystals), and bioclastic (contain fragments of organic material).

What are the two main types of sedimentary rocks?

The two main types of sedimentary rocks are clastic (detrital) rocks, which are made of pre-existing rock fragments cemented together, and chemical rocks, which form from minerals that precipitate out of solution.

How are clastic non clastic and organic sedimentary rocks the same?

They are all Sedimentary

How are clastic sedimentary rocks different from organic sedimentary rocks?

they form

The most common minerals in clastic sedimentary rocks are likely?

the most common minerals in clastic sedimentary rocks are likely