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Reproductive isolation can lead to the formation of new species through the prevention of gene flow between populations. This can result in the development of unique genetic traits and adaptations in each isolated population. Over time, reproductive isolation can contribute to the biodiversity of an ecosystem.

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Q: What are results from reproductive isolation?
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Speciation that results from geographical isolation that leads to reproductive isolation?

Allopactric ( other country ) speciation.

What does geographic isolation lead to?

Reproductive isolation

How is speciation and reproductive isolation related?

Reproductive isolation is a type of speciation. Reproductive isolation is when a species divides forming two subspecies, due to different mating periods.

This condition may be either geographic or reproductive?

This condition may refer to either geographic isolation, where populations are separated by physical barriers, or reproductive isolation, where individuals are unable to interbreed successfully. Geographic isolation can lead to reproductive isolation over time as populations differentiate in isolation.

How does reproductive isolation increase isolation?

it stops gene flow

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What situation occurs when members of two different species cannot interbreed and produce fertile off-springs?

Reproductive Isolation.

What are three types of reproductive isolations?

The three types of reproductive isolation are: 1. Temporal isolation: different times of reproduction 2. Behavioral isolation: different habits of the same species 3. Geographical isolation: species are separated by natural barriers

What is prezygotic isolation?

Prezygotic isolation is a type of reproductive isolation. It ceases F1 zygote to cross mate that wards off its production.

When does reproductive isolation occur?

when the male and female unites

What is the factor used to define a species?

Reproductive Isolation