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Q: What are prickly plants called?
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A type of prickly plant?

Cactus is a type of prickly plant that typically grows in arid regions and is known for its thorny spikes.

Are cotton plants prickly?

No, cotton plants do not have prickly leaves or stems. They have soft, green leaves and stems that are not spiny or prickly to touch.

Is a prickly pear cactus a carnivore?

Prickly pears are plants, therefore are neither carnivores or herbivores.

What is a prickly plant starting with A?

Aaron's beard prickly pear cactus and the Arizona barrel cactus are prickly plants. They begin with the letter A.

What are the names of prickly plants beginning with N?

The Nipple Cactus is a prickly plant. It begins with the letter N.

What is the meaning of thistle?

Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those of the genera Cnicus, Craduus, and Onopordon. The name is often also applied to other prickly plants.

What are some plants in eritrea?

prickly pears aloe vera eucalyptus

What phylum do prickly wild rose belong?

Prickly wild roses belong to the phylum Anthophyta (also known as Magnoliophyta), which includes flowering plants.

How can I use small prickly plants to deter cats from my garden?

You can use small prickly plants like cacti or thorny bushes to create a barrier that cats will find uncomfortable to walk on, deterring them from entering your garden.

What is a prickly plant beginning with the letter T?

A Thistle and a Teasel are both prickly plants.

Prickly herbaceous plants or shrubs especially blackberry plants?

Prickly herbaceous plants or shrubs, such as blackberry plants, have thorny stems that can be painful to touch. These plants often produce edible fruits, like blackberries, but their thorns can make harvesting them a challenge. It's important to handle these plants with care to avoid getting pricked by their thorns.

What is the prickly part of a rose called?
