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The runaway greenhouse effect is really the only main cause of global warming (greenhouse gases produced by burning fossil fuels).

The secondary cause is deforestation. The earth used to be widely covered with forests, but these have gradually, and are still being, cut down for various reasons (building materials, firewood, clear land for agriculture, etc).

Plants and trees have a vital part to play in removing carbon dioxide from the air, but the great carbon sinks of the past have largely been destroyed.

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3mo ago

Possible causes for global warming include increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat and lead to a rise in global temperatures. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes contribute to the release of these gases. Other factors such as land-use changes and changes in solar radiation can also contribute to global warming.

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13y ago
  1. Deforestation. Trees can soak up and store vast amounts of carbon from the atmosphere.
  2. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  3. The increase in greenhouse gas levels is overloading the carbon cycle and the earth is warming. Global warming is causing climate change.
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15y ago

Believe it or not but cows are another contributor to global warming and this is because of their food and what we for them (produce fertiliser, make meat from them and clear area's for them to feed). Because of the weather farmers feed cows foods like grain and silage and these substances ,along with grass, produce a lot of methane in the cows (natural gas!) which they then let out into the atmosphere. Methane warms the world 20 times faster than carbon dioxide and cows are the highest contributor to global warming.

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13y ago

Global warming is caused by the tilt of the earth and our proximity to the sun. It has nothing to do with carbon emissions. Otherwise we'd just now be shrugging off the last ice age.

A:The primary causes for global warming are:
  • During the past 250 years humans have been burning more and more fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This is releasing extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • We have also been cutting down many of the rainforestsand other forests that absorb carbon dioxide.
  • This means that extra carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases, like methane) are continually being added to the atmosphere.
  • These extra greenhouse gases are holding back more and more of the sun's heat in the atmosphere and causing global warming - the warming all over the earth. And this is causing climate change.
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13y ago

Man has been cutting down forests and burning fossil fuels since 1750, the beginning of the Industrial Age. Combustion of fossil fuels releases long-held carbon dioxide (CO2) which adds to the greenhouse gases. Reduction of forests means that more CO2 remains in the atmosphere. The extra CO2 is turning the natural greenhouse effect into an accelerated one, which is causing global warming.

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13y ago

Global warming is a natural phenomenon in which naturally occurring greenhouse gases help maintain the world at a comfortable level suitable for human existence. However, the term is most often used specifically to refer to the rise, gradual at first but accelerating, in global average temperatures since the beginning of the Industrial Age.

Scientists in the nineteenth century concluded that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations would lead to changes in global temperatures. They even calculated the temperature changes that would result from defined changes in carbon dioxide levels. Those calculation are now known to be in error because they did not adjust for the effects of the oceans, but when those adjustments are made, the results are quite consistent with recent modelling. Although the nineteenth century scientists had no reason to believe that global warming would one day be a serious problem, they had established that carbon dioxide was one potential cause of climate change.

Scientists have observed changes in levels of the carbon isotope C14 to establish that much of the carbon entering the air as carbon dioxide is not from recently living matter. They can estimate the volume of carbon dioxide emitted from time to time by volcanoes, and say that the remainder must come from mineral sources such as cement manfacture or fossil fuels.

Scientists have observed changes in the ratios of the carbon isotopes C12 and C13 and say that although much of the carbon entering the air as carbon dioxide is not from recently living matter, it was living matter an extremely long time ago, thus coal, oil or natural gas (fossil fuels).

Therefore burning fossil fuels is undoubtedly the major source of new carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is therefore the major cause of recent global warming, in addition to cement manufacture.

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15y ago

i) hole in ozone layers minimize filtering of heat and uv rays, allowing direct contact without filtration

ii)buildings, particularly concrete high-rise buildings, trap alot of heat

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