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Q: What are plant producer called?
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Is carrot a consumer or a producer?

producer it is a plant :)

What is a plant called if it's a producer and consumer?

There is no classification for that. Maybe if it eats waste it is a decomposer? What plant is it?

Is a grasshopper a producer consumer decomposer?

a decomposer

Is a algae a producer or a decomposer?

algae is a producer because it is a sea plant.

Is Alga a producer consumer or decomposes?

algae is a producer because it is a sea plant.

What is the bottom of the food chain called?

The bottom of the food chain is the plant or the producer.

Why green plant called producer?

Green plants are called producers because they produce food for animals.

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Is a forest elephant a producer?

No , a producer has to be a plant

Is a plant a decomposer consumer or producer?


What is a food producer for plant cell?

The food producer in a plant cell is the chloroplast.

Is a shrub a producer?

yes, a shrub is a bush and a bush is a plant so yes